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Three things to be thankful for
What do you collect? What are your hobbies?
Suggestions of enjoyable, relaxing and helpful activities for self care when you are feeling down
Triggers that down you. Triggers that lift you.
These are just a few that I have had a fresh look at.
White Knight has one as well on poems and short stories,
If you have noticed other encouraging threads you think people might enjoy, then add them here.
Hope you all find something that encourages you!
Cheers from Dools
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Well Mrs. Dools,
Your colouring in book has me intrigued and amused. First an expiry date and now a strange contradiction of fierce creatures with flowers! Perhaps something magical will happen when you have coloured them in. At least maybe that's what the designer may have thought in the state they were in?
Happy colouring and I hope to hear your thoughts on the finished product.
Take care,
Lost Girl
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Hello Lost Girl
I have a couple of colouring books. The first one I bought myself to see what all the fuss was about. Unfortunately for me I bought a book of shapes which did not really appeal when I started colouring so I abandoned the idea. Then my grandchildren gave me a book for Christmas. It was all flowers and plants with a few animals and fish. Not really my style. I think I would like a complete picture colour, much like those Mrs Dools describes but I can't find any.
I agree with you about the gel pens. They are great to work with. I am OK with coloured pencils though because I can still get a shaded effect when I need it. There are some craft pens that are made to blend but I think they are about $10 each. I will stick to pencils. If you can tell me where to get a book like the one you had from your husband I will be most grateful.
I do agree with you and Mrs Dools about writing instead of speaking at times. It's very good to write 'stuff' down to take to your psychologist as you (or perhaps I) can guarantee I will forget half the things I want to say. It's also useful when you need to tell someone something and want to make sure you have collected your thoughts, put them in the right order and expressed yourself in a suitable manner.
Great chatting with you Lost Girl. I hope you will soon be able to change your name to Found.
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Hi White Rose,
Such a beautiful profile picture.
I found the best range of adult colouring in books in proper bookshops. Riot Art and Craft also have an extensive range. They even have post cards that you can colour in! I try to avoid art shops though because I always leave with a mountain of art supplies haha.
I had a look on some web sites. If you google Angus and Robertson Adult Colouring and go to their website, you will be able to see some of the range they have there.
I hope this helps.
Nice chatting to too White Rose,
Take care?
Lost Girl
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Well - this talk about adult colouring in books has reminded me I must give it a go myself. Was going to give one as an Xmas present, to discover the person was already getting a couple from other people....so have kept it myself (somewhere, in a cupboard, hope I can find it!) I went and bought some pens (hope they're the right kind) and must start...soon!
It's on India....with all its strange and exotic formations and gorgeous dress...I was drawn to this one naturally, as I resonate with anything Indian since being there many years ago......"what's it like?"......India is Not Like Anywhere! - there is no easy way to describe the essence of that place...I adore all movies set in India, people from India (we have many Indian Drs in our city - including mine).......I will let you know how the colouring goes (if I can find the book)....
It's good to meet you Lost Girl....you will like it here......Namaste!
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Hi everybody,
I guess I live in too remote an area, I had never come across adult colouring books before ...It seems they're popular and so they should be.
I usually paint and draw whenever I can find time. I miss it when I stop. Being a conservationist at heart, my specialty is plants and animals. I'm the type who always carry both a notepad and a sketch pad on my wanderings. There is also a notepad, pen and torch by my bed. I have trained myself to wake up and record dreams. Usually, by morning, even those we remember have been filtered by the conscious mind...often beyond recognition. Reading them out in their raw state can be a real mind opener.
Moonstruck, I have lived in South India for almost a decade. Definitely not for everybody but in many ways, it felt like home to me. A big chunk of my heart is still there.
Namaste to you all and thanks for sharing all the useful info.
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Hi Moonstruck,
Nice to meet you. Your colouring in book sounds lovely. I work in a global role in an IT company and am fortunate to work with some indian colleagues.
I also have a very good friend here who originally came from India. I met her through her children as she has kids the same age and gender as my eldest 2 and they are all best friends. I have been very blessed where she has been on trips back to India and has spoilt me with some very beautiful gifts. There are some very clever artisans there for sure. You are lucky to have been able to visit.
I'd love you to describe which picture you choose when you start.
Warm regards,
Lost Girl
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Hi Everyone,
The colouring in book I have is actually called Beauty and the Beast! I had not looked at the title previously. It is by "The Harmony of Colour Series."
The title certainly fits the book very nicely!
Years ago I used to print free colouring pictures off the internet, at least that way you could chose your own design.
Do any of you remember those books for children where you had a picture on a page, you wet a paintbrush and ran it over the picture to reveal the colours? I bought one for a 60 year old friend and she loved it!
I mainly use pencils or textas. Do the gel pens bleed the outlines of pictures like textas tend to do at times?
Happy colouring! I need to go out tonight to a meeting so will not have time to continue with my colouring! Maybe tomorrow I will find the time!
Cheers all from Dools
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Hey Mrs.Dools,
I used to love those water paint books! You brought back some nice memories there.
No the gel pends don't bleed like textas but like a texta if you go over the same spot too much it will weaken the paper.
I will take a photo of one I did and make it my profile so you can see tomorrow. There was too much shadow tonight to get a good photo of it. I find the pastel gel colours best as they as still quite dark but I bought a few different types for a range of colours from office works but i saw them in woolies etc too.
Hope you get some colouring time tomorrow.
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Hi All,
I'm hoping to find some time to colour in later today. I have decided I am going to get a few jobs completed, do something nice, then try and do a little more work about the place.
At least I have tomorrow as well. I have three letters to answer from penfriends overseas. I have been writing to them for about 30 years now. They are from Finland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
A few years ago my husband and I had a holiday in the North of India. I loved it. The colours and sights were amazing! One of my favourite memories was riding a camel.
A man had a beautifully colourfully decorated camel. I asked if I could stand next tot he camel and have my photo taken. He invited me onto his camel and then took me for a ride down the road. He told me I looked like a maharani ( a princess!) the guy and his camel made my day!
I like to draw and paint as well, I just don't make the time to do enough of the things that I enjoy! Winter is on it's way, I will be inside more then. Ha. Ha.
Cheerio all, from Mrs. Dools
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Hello everyone
I too have one of those colouring books, mine has mainly floral designs in it. I have only coloured a little in it. The gel pens, sound like a good idea. I am just using coloured pencils.
Hey Mrs Dools, I haven't been to India. But I have ridden a camel. Did you actually like riding on that camel? The camel I rode on, was at the Easter Show in Sydney. I think it sort of smelled well......unusual.
There is another thread you and other members may want to check out, I don't think it is on your list there...It is called "The Killer Thread". It is a bit competitive, as the aim of the game is to try and make your post the last posted . Then by doing so you are actually winning.
With love to all
Shelley xx