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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Recovery what does that mean?

This is something I have been asking myself the last 6 months especially.

Three days a week I work as an intentional peer worker, which means i share my lived experience with the intention of creating hope and possibility in the community. For me my role gives hope to others, and for me that is so rewarding. This has helped my own recovery enormously, I'm not saying it has been easy or that I still don't have bad days I do. What i am saying is if you are following your passions and living by your values this helps so much with recovery. So for me recovery is living by your values, while still following your passions.

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Community Champion
Community Champion

welcome, Rubyrose to the forum.

That is an interesting question , what is recovery? I feel it means different things to different people.

I prefer resilience to recovery as recovery implies once you are in recovery everything is fine.

The reality is you need the skills to cope with the ups and downs of life.

I am glad your work as a peer worker helps you by helping others.
