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Community Member

Hey all

Don’t really know how to say this. I’ve been holding this in for so long. Never spoke to anyone after. Pretty scared really to say much. Came forward at work that I was suffering from major depression and anxiety. Didn’t turn out well needless to say. Had time off with with phone calls telling me that I was taking the piss out of the company. When I returned I was told that I now had to earn there trust as if I had done something wrong when I had never hurt anyone or damaged and plant. I was then told that no one wanted to work with me. After that I wanted to to go for a higher position within the company and was told that I could apply for new positions and go for the interviews but I would. Ever get the job that I applied for. Needless to say. My self asteem has never been so low. I’m so scared now to try achieve any goals. Everyday I struggle to get up. I love my partner and my family and at the moment it them that keeps me here. But slowly and surely that strength is getting weaker. I’m really sorry for being so negitive but it’s eating me and I remember being so positive. But all I ever do now is second guess myself. Because I don’t believe I’m good enough. And I believe I have failed my family. Sorry for being so negitive. I don’t know how to be positive anymore.


1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear RB~

Welcome here to the forum, I'm sorry things are as bad as they are.

Toxic means poisonous, something that harms others, eats away self esteem, confidence and hope. You are working in a toxic culture and it is getting to you - as it would to anyone else faced with the same thing.

Many modern companies treat people with any form of illness with respect and go as far as possible to make their lives better, unfortunately you are not in one of those.

So you were a positive person and the same is still inside you, it just needs a better environment to bring it out. Have you given any though to seeking another job - not quitting this one straight away, but looking round for better?

As for being a failure, that is simply not true. When one has a great job it is easy to keep going, when one has a horrible one then perseverance - until you reach your limits - is a sign of strength and determination. You sound as if you are approaching those limits now, so you need to try to get yourself hope.

You may not be able to do all that by yourself, I could not. It took medical help and the support of my partner to improve. So may I ask first are you getting medical support for your depression and anxiety? If not now would be good, if you are then I guess you need to talk to them that under your present circumstances your treatment is not working as well as it should.

Secondly who in your life knows how you feel and cares? I had my wife, who even if she did not know exactly what was in my head tried, and that made a huge difference, I was not alone. So do you confide in your partner?

It can take a surprisingly small change for life to improve, and talking here has been a start - I hope you continue to do so -but talking with oyur medical team (or getting one), talking with a family member or friend, and trying to seek out better employment are all things you can try now -yes I realise it is difficult, almost impossible, I was that way too..

I look forward to hearing from you again.
