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I need help things have gotten bad..

Community Member
Been raised with mentality if you dont work you're worthless.. havent been able to get proper work for as long as I can remember and somehow ended up being an escort.. comes with all it's own problems ontop of my mental health but atleast I could say I was working.. but now.. somebody has sent my photos and everything all around my small country home town and everybody knows and I cant go back there have nowhere to live my partner loves it in that town but he understands why I feel like I cant go back... I feel useless.. I've ruined his and my life even more just be trying to make it better... the urge to give up is getting stronger and stronger each minute that passes... I dont know anymore maybe i dont deserve tk live... does anyone have any advice at all 😞
3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

A warm welcome to the forum.

Judgement...hmm...I personally hate it; not the constructive kind that comes with guidance and an open mind but the kind of judgement that is all to do with closed mindedness and persecution. The latter of the 2 is often harshest when it comes from our self. The crazy thing is that such self-judgement is actually taught to us. Sounds almost cruel, hey, that we're mentally programmed (from quite a young age) to have sufferance be a part of our identity?!

I believe the question becomes 'Do I evolve beyond my home town (move elsewhere) or do I stay and do the work that requires me to evolve beyond the sufferance that such judgement brings?' Both involve you moving forward in some way. It may sound strange but both will require a change in identity (the way you identify yourself). For example:


  • I AM someone who researches places to live and job opportunities in new towns/cities
  • I AM someone who may suggest to my partner that we spread our wings, take an adventure and explore life beyond this town for a time
  • I AM someone who accepts the challenges that will come with such a life changing move


  • I AM someone who is prepared to do the work that leads me to accept myself, even when others don't 'approve' of me
  • I AM someone who is prepared to break free from old destructive judgemental belief systems
  • I AM someone who accepts that my mental well-being can be co-managed with the help of professional guidance. Depression and anxiety are not just states of mind/thought, they're also related to states of chemistry (chemical changes that can become debilitating for some). Guidance can make a big difference in navigating these states

Although it may feel like you've ruined lives, I want to reassure you that this is not the case. I know, easy for me to say. You have not ruined lives, lives have simply been changed. In truth, you never set out to cause sufferance when you took on the job, whereas the person who distributed the photos had set out to cause sufferance for some reason, otherwise they would have approached you personally. This action has caused your evolution to speed up. You're being forced to make a choice now, whereas in the past you may have toyed with the idea of changing destructive beliefs about yourself and/or wanting to leave town but didn't have the motive/motivation to do either one.

From personal experience, I believe the urge to 'give up' relates more to identity than anything else

Take care

Community Member

Hi ,

It sounds like you have a partner who knows and accepts you. It might help to lean into that understanding and acceptance while you consider the very powerful possibilities suggested by therising. It's not easy to work on these very deep beliefs about yourself, but it is worth it. It is hard to do on your own; a health professional is a good support for this.

Does your partner know about your feelings about being worthless, and wanting to give up? It can be important to share these and get support, especially when they feel so strong and intense. This will likely help you get through these dark feelings and thoughts safely.

Warm regards.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello, welcome and its great to have you as part of the forum family too!

I have had chronic anxiety followed by depression for a long time.....albeit in recovery.....slowly yet trying.

The Rising has provided excellent in depth support above. Since everyone is different I dont use the word 'hate' so I will mention that the forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post 🙂

Can I ask about the things you like in life.....or what you would like in your life?

Its just my opinion.....You haven't ruined anyone's life and are far from being useless. There are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you

please be gentle to yourself...You deserve to be

my kind thoughts always
