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Overcoming Mental Health

Community Member

Hi all,
I was diagnosed with Anxiety, Post-trauma, depression and borderline personality disorder last year (2018)

I have tried number of hospital admissions and mental health help but not much is working.

I have decided today that I would like overcome mental health issues i have and live my life properly.

Does anyone have any idea on how i can do this??

1 Reply 1

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


I hope it’s okay for me to greet you here and extend a caring welcome 🙂

It’s clear that you’ve been through a lot, and tried a range of mental health strategies and treatments with limited success. I feel that would have been disheartening and frustrating for you...

But I admire your attitude and goal to overcome your mental health issues, and life a full life. That’s very commendable and brave...

In terms of mental health help, sorry, I don’t really know your history in terms of what help you received. So is it okay if I ask, do you think it was more the treatment itself, inconsistent support/treatment, poor follow-up or a lack of rapport with your treatment team that perhaps meant the help wasn’t as effective as it could have been? Or perhaps something else altogether?

Sorry, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to of course. I’m only gently asking, because I feel if maybe you identified the specific issue, it might be helpful in terms of deciding your next step.

Those are just my thoughts at least, which you may or may not be helpful to you. But I thought that it wouldn’t hurt to share my thoughts...

Thinking of you...
