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Community Member

hello, i'm quite new to all this, but my name is caitlyn.

recently i've had stress with ex-friends, but have altogether been feeling really low for a few months now. i'm not myself and my self-esteem has plummeted, and there are days where i feel like doing self harm, but i never bring myself to do it. i feel like i might have depression, but i'm not sure as it hasn't been diagnosed. then again, i don't know if i have it. i'm not sure if it's just a sadness that will pass or a long term issue. sometimes i feel happy, but then some nights i break down for no reason and some days i feel numb. my mental health hasn't been great altogether, and i've considered seeking help but i also feel like i'm not prepared or ready for anything like that. i am confused on where to go next.

thank you for taking your time to read this, it means a lot x

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi CaitlynCatx,

welcome to beyond blue.

Everyone's situation is unique. In many years past I would feel down at various times during the year. After one time, when I was really down I did what "everybody" did and googles my symptoms which ultimately brought me here to beyond blue and I did the K10 test. Even when I did the K10 test it suggested I have a chat with a GP based on my score. Up to that point in time I thought the feelings that I had were normal, and that everyone went through these periods. To make a long(er) story short, I would find out that after a referral to psychologist that I was "suffering" from major depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

If nothing else, I hope that you will see that you are not alone. And here at beyond blue, all the users in the forums are helpful and supportive.

You indicated you were confused on where to go next... from my story, you could start and look at the K10 test, and depending on how you score, also have a chat with your GP. Your appointment with the GP would be a long appointment, because that is just the way it goes cause of the forms to be filled in and questions etc. If nothing else, you might get some sort of answers to the questions on how you feel?

