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OK here goes - hullo, first time posting

Community Member
More than anything I am lonely. And I have difficulty meeting people, and I have relationship problems. I should be over this sort of thing by now - I'm in my 60s. I know 3 years in a boys home as a child has had a deep effect on me. And two years ago I was made redundant and although I have put a lot of energy (and passion) into developing my own business it is not financially strong yet. This is very stressful. I am worried about money all the time. So I don't feel that I am someone people would want to get to know. I wonder if I am better off just being by myself. Just don't know where to go from here.
15 Replies 15

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Jay55

I understand your pain about being lonely...It can be painful place to be in Jay

There are many caring posts that have been made above. IreneM made an excellent point in her last paragraph about 'using this thread to express your feelings'

Its good to meet you Jay....I'm Paul and great to have you here as part of the forum family too (thumbs up!)

My Best

Community Member
Just so tired of feeling stressed about money. I really don't know how much more I can take. Searching for some answer, some way out but I can't see any/. Just want to have some time without worrying about where the money will come from to pay the next bill.Just want some peace from this. Had enough. Today I have $15 in my account and not much petrol and I have to drive my son across town to school then go and pick him up, and buy food for tea. I just don't know how. Sick of it.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jay55~

I do not mean to make you uncomfortable or insult you, however I would like to point out that there are social organizations that can sometimes help with food and in other ways. One does not have to be homeless to be one of the 'working poor' and they understand this.

If things improved you could of course return the favor.


Community Member
Yes ta. My income is low and spasmodic - the day after I posted the above I received some income. But I don't earn much. I want to be involved in a market in May and I cannot raise the fee. If I was in the market I would make good money that weekend. So sick of the stress and worry. I work long hard hours both on my own work and as a cleaner and all I earn goes in living expenses. Just about had enough. Theres so much I want to do in my own business but it looks like I'm going to have to throw it away and clean houses. And if I have to do that then you might as well take my soul as well. I have nowhere left to turn to.

Community Member
Beginning to understand why some people can't go on. So  mad that all of this is caused by lack of money. Its such a shit reason to feel so much pain.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jay55~

Yes it is a shit reason, and not always something you can fix quickly. The other side of the coin is how you feel. Even if it comes down to a cleaner's job.

Can I suggest uhave a look at:


It maybe one of their two wellness courses could help. They are free and it is a very professional organization. At the very least it might give your mind some respite from the daily grind
