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First time posting

Community Member

Hi all,

It’s my first time posting here so thanks for reading. I am nearly 40 years old and have been diagnosed with MS for 5 years. Over the past 5 years (since diagnosis) I have struggled with Anxiety (and at time some depression) very regularly. I have spoken to my old GP (I moved interstate last year) over the years and was given a mental health plan and have seen a psychologist each time and then stopped. There is no doubt that the psychologist has helped me and most of the time I can manage ok using techniques I learnt.

The past 8 weeks I have really been struggling with anxiety, it’s more than the normal amount for me. I feel almost manic - like I can’t control my feelings and thoughts, it much worse then normal. I take very small things when worry about them all the time, I have a constant feeling of dread and I dont always know why. I feel on edge but not angry. I feel overwhelmed all the time.

I think I would like to try medication to just see if it helps me feel more stable. I am proactive with my health and always advocate for myself but I can’t seem to bring myself to ask if I can try medication. I’m a “coper”, I am very capable just keep going and sometimes I find it hard to ask for help. I am also in healthcare for work and find it difficult to ask for what I think I need. Is it wrong to feel like I need medication? I’m happy to see a psychologist as well but just need more at the moment.

Thanks for reading...it’s quite an essay!

6 Replies 6

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jobby24~

Welcome here, you are having a very difficult time and it can be hard to know waht is for the best, so seeking other's experience is a wise move .

First let me say I'm no doctor, but have among other things depression and anxiety conditions. I suspect, but do not know for sure, MS itself promotes these conditions too and their strenght can vary from time to time.

It is very tempting to soldier on and try to live without medication. It can easily reach the stage though where such an expectation is unrealistic.

If one weights up life quality, accuracy of thought and good perspective all being badly degraded then it would seem very reasonable to seek help and be prepared to ask to trial medications. It is not a big thing in itself.

Many, myself included, can only lead a pretty reasonable life thanks to meds, and without them I'd be back where I was years ago - a place I'd never like to visit again. They are basically side-effect free and quite effective -who could ask for more?

Coping come in all sorts of ways, and dealing with any illness in the most appropriate way is a sign of a mature coping attitude.

Please come back and say what you think


Community Member

Thank you for the response Croix. I agree that anxiety and depression are part and parcel of MS but doctors have always made me feel medication is unnecessary. I wonder if it’s because I present very well (state facts etc). I have booked an appointment with my Gp and will see how I go!

Thank you!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jobby24~

Have you considered taking a day or two to write down - maybe in point form - what is happening to you at the moment . I agree a person can present well to a doctor, who can be mislead as a result. A detailed list is a different matter.

There does need an accurate view of the circumstances for the correct treatment to be given.

Although I've had to use medication permanently for some that is not the case.

I would like to know how you get on


Community Member

Thanks Croix, my GP was actually really good. He really listened to me and asked me some questions and asked me what I felt I needed. I explained i’ve been struggling on and off for 5 years and I would like to try the meds. He was very understanding and explained everything really well. I also got a new mental health plan and referral for a psychologist. I feel good that we have a plan in place and hopeful that I can get this under control.

Thank you for caring. It really was what I needed.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jobby24~

I'm delighted with your news, a sensible doctor plus a MH plan, plus meds.

It may not all be plain sailing but you have certainly taken all the right steps.

Please let us know how things start to work out, and you are right, we do care


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Jobby, if I can just say that many times we pretend even to doctors that there is nothing wrong with us, only to leave and feel disappointed, so I'm pleased that you are seeing another doctor, mental health plan and decided to take medication.

Best wishes.
