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Community Member
Hi there. New to the site. Decided to join after some self evaluation. Poor choices. I drink WAY too much. I know this is an issue and I ‘think’ I do it to mask a few issues. Past /present family trauma, bipolar, depression and autoimmune disease! None of which is an excuse but I am just getting quite sick of myself and everyday wake uo hating me for downing another bottle of wine. Feeling likeI am in a hole and have zero motivation. I know I need to change and I need to stop drinking. Have often thought of seeing my GP again (cutrently taking medication) but last time she referred me to a counsellor and I am just not into them. Joined a fym for my mental health but havent been for ages! Thoughts and input would be awesome. T.I.A
4 Replies 4

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Jo,

I can definitely relate to your drinking, as can others here. Good on your for reaching out...you sound like you’re going through a lot...

You sound exhausted, overwhelmed and I feel a lot of frustration too. I think you’re probably onto something there about drinking to mask issues.

I feel sometimes when we are faced with difficult emotions and situations, we just want to dull those feelings for a while...so we turn to alcohol. It brings immediate relief, but then of course, alcohol is a depressant so we generally feel worse in the long run. But the lure of short term relief is strong...so it can become this vicious cycle...

Ultimately though, I think turning to alcohol sometimes just means we are hurting and feeling overwhelmed, and perhaps don’t have too many alternative coping strategies...not yet at least...

I like your idea of maybe seeing your GP again. I get your trepidation and think that’s fair enough. So maybe go head and see your GP, but I would suggest just being upfront and expressing that you would like help but don’t necessarily want to see a counsellor. There are alternatives like joining a support group, helplines, etc that you could ask your GP about. That’s only a gentle suggestion...

I hope you’re finding your way around the forums okay, and if you’re feeling up to it (zero pressure), it would be lovely to hear how things go...

Kind thoughts,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Jo T~

I think Pepper's idea of a support group makes a lot of sense. A councilor is there for an hour, maybe sets exercises and explains things logically. A Support Group uses all that plus emotional support and can often be there for you when you actually need it -e.g. 6pm after work.

If, apart from you GP, you give our 24/7 Help Line (1300 22 4636) a ring they may be able to tell you what is available in your area

We would be pleased if you let us know how you go


Thanks Pepper. I have next week iff so am going to make some changes and get back to the gym too 😃

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Jo,

It’s good to hear from you and I’m pleased that you have a week off 🙂 I think your plan to go to the gym again is great. I’m glad Croix has also visited with a caring post.

There’s no pressure of course, but feel free to let us know how next week goes...or anything else you would like to unload.

Kind thoughts to you,
