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New to online anything, new to asking for help

Community Member

Hi there,

I've never posted on an online forum before, and have no social media, so this is a big leap for me, but I'm hoping to get some advice and support from others struggling with anxiety. I have had a rough year of it, have found a lot of support in yoga and sessions with a psychologist, but don't feel I've come very far, and am now grappling with the idea of medication. To be honest, I'm finding it a hard choice to make; it feels a little like defeat. I'm spending so much time listening to the internal chatter, though, that it's exhausting.

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi LadyElla,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us! Hopefully you'll find the forums helpful.

You're definitely in good company here - I have anxiety too, as do many others in the forums.

I'm not sure what it is about the sessions that are unhelpful, but I don't feel like medication is ever a defeat. I feel like people who take medication are trying to be proactive about their mental health. Defeat to me is not doing a thing, which is quite the opposite to you!

Here is a sub-thread with all of our anxiety posts just in case you'd like to have a look.


and here's our staying well one which talks about lots of techniques and things people do to help their mental health (not specific to anxiety) - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well

Hope this helps,

Thank you so much, that's so kind of you! I will go and check the threads you gave me. I really appreciate you taking the time.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi LadyElla, a warm welcome to the site.

It's brave to post a comment, starting a new thread of your own takes a lot of courage.

Doing yoga and having sessions with your psychologist is a good way to begin, but taking medication has generally been found to work in conjunction with counselling to change the way people think, as I have always been told by my doctor.

I don't believe I would be bothered posting on this site if I wasn't having any antidepressants (AD) because I wouldn't be strong enough.

Your doctor will start you off on a low dose just to see how it makes you feel, and there are many different types of AD's, where some people react positively and some don't, but what you shouldn't do is listen to someone else who is taking the same medication, and I say this because every one is different.

Talk this over with your doctor and please let us know how you go.
