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new member wanting to just chat.

Community Member
Hi im a new member with depression, anxiety and isolating myself from everyone and finding it hard to physically talk to people and hopefully i can find some people on here going thru the same thing, and just talk about our issues.
10 Replies 10

Community Member
Hi there, I'm also new. I have been diagnosed with depression last year due to family problems. Being with people is hard for me as well, so I can definitely relate to what you are saying. Only my family and close friends know what my condition is, because I am not willing to reveal to the role as they say.

Community Member

Hi Dweazy,

welcome to the forum! You're in the right place - here is a safe place to talk about what's going on both the good and the struggles, without judgement and without having to have an in-person conversation. I find it much easier to be open on here than in real life, especially at times like today when depression means I've got no energy to go out. It also seems easier to collect my thoughts in writing - well most of the time!

So what's happening in your world at the moment?

Kind wishes, Christina

Hi Blueblubber35,

a big welcome to you too. I'm also experiencing depression at the moment and am a private person and don't talk about mental health except to a few close friends and family, although its tiring sometimes trying to put on a 'everything's okay' facade. I guess thats why it can be nice to write freely n here. How are you going at the moment?

Kind wishes, Christina

Community Member
Hi, I'm new to this forum too. 
I have depression, social anxiety and panic disorder. A long time ago it was so bad I had agoraphobia. I'm much better now - which saying that, makes me feel a little bit better about myself, but actually I'm in a bad place too. I'm feeling isolated, frustrated and irritable. I don't like talking to people and I feel so disconnected. But, I never want to go back to agoraphobia again, that's why I signed up for beyondblue. It's hard to find someone to talk to and be understood and relate to. It's also hard to trust people and I'm scared things will bite me in the back later. But I think it's safe to talk here. 

Hey Rosely

Good to hear from you...I have the social anxiety and have mastered most of the anxiety issues....but still carry the depression around with me.....

Isolated , frustrated and irritable......you have come to the right page....and yes I am scared that of the lack of trust too Rosely but Beyond Blue have very very tight restrictions on privacy and you are welcome and we hope you feel 'safe ' to talk on here...and Welcome....the people on here are kind,caring....and if you go to the Cafe page...there are a lot of 'newbies' in there as well.....including me too. I think you have a lot to offer here Rosely...have a stickybeak around.....and Im more than sure that you will fit in just fine....thats a no brainer 🙂


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
dear Dweazy and all the rest of you, a very good welcome to all of you and so pleased that you have come to a place
where there is much discussion about what is troubling and concerning someone, not only at the present time, but over
the many years they have had any type of depression.
It is a site which can be anonymous if you want, but more importantly it's a place to come where you have nowhere else
to go, where everybody has or still are suffering from this terrible illness.
We all talk amongst eachother trying to help with suggestions, advice and most of all support, and this normally has
been achieved by our own personal experiences and what we have have struggled with over our life span. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi to the newbies (Dweasy, BlueBlubber and Rosely).  Welcome to each of you, its always good to see new people joining the Forums.  Everybody has something to contribute in their own way, and I'm sure you all will too.

I also suffer from Anxiety (PTSD and OCD) and social isolation.  So I totally understand what you are each going through.  I was originally directed to these forums by my psychologist at the end of last year, as a means of expressing myself and finding like-minded people who understand what I am going through.  I have never really had anybody to talk my issues through with before, so I find these forums very helpful.  You will find many people here who will understand and empathise with your issues.  Please be open and honest in your posts, you have nothing to fear here.  You can be yourself.  People here are very happy to support you and offer assistance anywhere they can.

I look forward to hearing more about you all around the traps as you find your way around.  

Thinking of you all,

Sherie xx

Hi rosely - I'm very new here too.  I also find it a lot easier to "talk" by writing things.  I have been suffering from depression and anxiety on and off for a long time.  Every day is a struggle at the moment.  I am hoping that being on this site will help me to just be able to function like a normal person again.

I have been recently diagnosed with anxiety, but I am feeling myself getting better. I am feeling a bit uncertain about the future. Just worrying mainly about school work, and how to handle everything else. I'm  hoping it won't hinder me.