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New Member, "Hi"

Community Member

Hi I don't really know what to say, I was recently diagnosed with serious depression and anxiety, and my GP/Psychologist pointed me in the direction of Beyond Blue. My Psychologist has advised me that it might be helpful to reach-out to people who have similar problems to me so I don't feel so isolated.

So here I am reaching out 🙂

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi SimeonG

Welcome to the BB community and what a very wise doctor to send you here to get some support and some comfort at this time. It is so very brave of you to do your first post and to reach out..so here we are reaching out back to you, with support and care in a non judgmental space where you can chat and get how you are feeling off your chest without criticism.

It is so great to hear that you have been to see a GP and have a plan in place for you mental health and that you have started your journey to wellness, I have no idea how it feels to have anxiety and depression, the reasons I am here is that I am healing from grief. So we all have a story here and we are all here to listen and to support you so please feel free to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing.

Others will join in to with ways in which they live their lives with mental illness, disorders, grief and all sorts of life issues that brings us together to lean on each other.

Welcome and I would like to hear more about you, if you like.

Hope to chat soon


Community Member

Thanks for the responsive reply AS.

So, here it goes.... In February I was offered my dream job, the perfect job that suited my skillset and working passion down to a tee, and about 2 months into the role, and I thought I was achieving, my manager started to become very critical (over critical) of my work, pulling apart (verbally) all the things that I was striving to achieve.

The bullying began, every decision I made, every project I worked on, he would pull apart, belittling me in meetings, closing the door behind him in my office and shouting at me, making me feel worthless, it got to the point where I told him that I was actively looking for alternative employment.

What a mistake that was, every day he was in my office growling at me, saying "when are you starting your new (expletive) job".

It got so bad that actually asked him to make me redundant, or sack me, he refused. After approximately 7 month of this abuse, and not knowing where to turn and no new job in sight, I decided to try and take my own life (unsuccessfully), and that's where my story is.

I have been off work for 12 week now, awaiting for WorkCover to make a decision on if my bullying claim will be successful.

Fortunately I do have a supportive wife, and 2 wonderful kids that are helping me through this difficult time, but as my wife doesn't understand what I'm going through, I still feel alone.

Community Member
You where very luckily to find a good GP I had to find help on my own I went to first Steps and they where the kindest medical persons I have ever met my problem was long standing depression and used wine to ease the pain of the past. now just drinking 2 standard dinks a day and feeling good its hard on your own just wish for some company in the evenings its 6pm in Perth now fed the dogs and now must make my self eat something plenty of food in the fridge/freezer and cupboard and cash for a take away but must make the effort to eat something some times in the past I have just drunk a bottle of wine in stead but that is stopping now.so I might have pumpkin soup and some cheese and fruit. keep chatting it does help regards donna balnor

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi SimeonG

Good on you for having the the courage to post......not to mention your doctor being proactive with 'reaching out' to the Beyond Blue online community 🙂

I understand your situation as I used to have chronic anxiety followed by depression and it can be an awful place to be in

You are already on the road to recovery by engaging your GP and a counsellor! Excellent!

The forums are a friendly and non judgemental place for you to post SimeonG. It would be great if you could stick around the forums...(if and when you choose to). There are many gentle people that can be here for you

any questions are always welcome 🙂

my kind thoughts
