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Loss of Son

Community Member
My son was diagnosed with leukaemia and passed away 2 weeks later the pain is unbearable and not sure how to continue without him he was a wonderful son worked hard his whole life he was 41 my heart is so heavy with grief and pain I’m not sure how it hasn’t stopped. He didn’t even have a chance to fight this disease it’s so unfair he deserved a full life his children and wife are so devastated and lonely without this beautiful father and husband and his only brother is broken hearted how do I help everyone including my grieving husband who is so depressed when I can’t cope with this terrible loss I miss him so much it’s unbearable.
3 Replies 3

Dear Df58pink,

Welcome to Beyond Blue forums. We are very very sorry to hear about the death of your son. We cannot imagine the pain you and your family are going through. We want to acknowledge your strength and hope by reaching out here to get support. This is a loss that would result in unimaginable pain. By being here you are already taking steps towards healing. Some people who have experienced the traumatic death of a loved one will experience not only grief symptoms but can experience some trauma symptoms as well. You have said that you are not coping and again, we want to acknowledge your pain and your insight into your own experience of grief. The steps forward would include talking with a health professional such your GP and letting them know that you need some extra support. Seeking support for grief when it is interfering with your day to day life is important and considering the circumstances of your sons death, may be really helpful for you. If you are feeling like you don't want to carry on, you can get some immediate support anytime by calling the Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14. This can help get you through tough moments. We also encouage you to contact a service called Grief Line at www.griefline.org.au
1300 845 745 where you can talk about what you are experiencing. What you are experiencing is really really hard. Please be gentle to yourself as each grief response is individual.You can find your way through this. You are not alone. Please continue to reach out to get the support that you need.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Df58pink, my most sincere apologies for the loss of your son, a husband, a father and a brother who don't understand why this should happen to a person who loved everyone, I'm so sorry I have no answers for you, but can only give you my utmost sympathy for such a tragedy.

The emotions not only from you but also from your family, including your grandchildren will change on a daily basis depending on the circumstances you are needing to face, and some days it might seem to be easier than the previous day, but then tomorrow it could be worse because the questions you keep asking yourself the answers may change or there may not be any, this is when you need counselling.

If I can suggest that the kids talk with Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 first of all, they are trained counsellors but dress in casual clothes, which may break down any barrier and feel comfortable in opening up.

Sophie_M has given you links which I really hope will help you, and again my condolences for this most unfortunate situation, it breaks my heart.

My best.

Geoff. x

Community Member
Respect to you