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Looking for advice about bullying in the workplace.

Community Member


This is my 1st ever post. I am in my mid 30's and a long time sufferer of anxiety. Sometimes severe, but sometimes manageable.

Anyway, I work for a organisation that consists of a lot of belittling, bullying, and inconsistencies from the management down. We also have relentlessly high workloads,etc as well.I have found this has severely affected my anxiety, and I ended up very sick due to internalising stress.

I know the simple answer is just to leave, and it isn't worth my mental health, however, due to life and family circumstances, I am unable to do this yet.

I am wondering if anyone else has been in this situation, and has some advice on what I can do for myself to get through it, as I know I can't change the workplace.

thanks in advance.

10 Replies 10

Hi Charlotte,

Love what @firesale was saying, but I'd have gone a slightly different route with the note taking - my partner is a lawyer and has unfortunately had this kind of rubbish at work too. However, she noted everything down. Anything that was said, communicated, emailed etc Analysing it as Firesale said helps, but . . . putting on my big boys pants, bullying and harassment in the workplace aren't to be accepted. Not in Australia, not anywhere, and you shouldn't have to put up with it. HR can be good to make your feelings known if you have evidence (the writing things down bit) but I cannot say I've had great experiences with them - they work for the employer after all. EAP is a great starting point though, have used them in the past and they've been excellent.

Also, WorkSafe could also be a good place - again, they helped my partner. Check them out in the link below https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/bullying

Hope that helps!