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Community Member
Are there any beyondblue meetings or similar in Nambour. New to area. no friends. Have suffered anxiety & depression for many years
1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hello niecy.

If you’re feeling up to it, perhaps take a look at the Meetup website or app. I did a quick search just now for meetup groups near the Sunshine Coast and a few came up - a few examples included cycling, photography, social groups, etc. Maybe see if they have any upcoming events?

I’ve found Meetup to be a wonderful way to meet new people. Late last year I split from my partner and realised I didn’t have a lot of my own friends - especially female friends- so I have joined some ladies’ social groups in my age group. At each meetup everyone is in the same boat looking for new friends.

Hoping this helps you a little bit. Wishing you all the best.