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I think I might have depression

mocha delight
Community Member

I’m new and think I may have depression as my gp thought I might have a touch of it but I think it’s more then that as I’ve got most of the signs/symptoms which I new I did have a slight case of it. But ever since I was diagnosed with sleep apnea & coeliac disease (gp thought it was just the stress of diagnosis) but yet things still have not changed and In fact has developed more so since the gastroenterologist I had been going to completely mishandled my case. I’ve tried talking to one family member but they kind of ignored it and another one I tried to talk to but it did not go as planned. So I’ve come here as there seems to be really great support here.
Mocha delight

14 Replies 14

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi mocha delight,I am thinking you should get a second oppinion about the depression.I dont think he took it to serious?I have suffered from depression for years sometimes it improves a bit but lately i have been struggling with it.I to have sleep apnea which dosnt help making me really tired.I also have anxiety and panic attacks.Your not alone and i know how hard it can be talking about depression and finding someone to listen.

Take care,


Thanks for the reply mark I also think I have anxiety but I think my gp she was hoping it would go away sooner then later after my diagnosis but as I mentioned unfortunately it hasn’t. I’ve also had 3 cousins try to take there life’s in between February and roughly September/October last year but none of them succeed.

Hi mocha delight,it sounds like your doctor isnt taking it to seriously.You need to tell her or even another doctor how bad it is.With me it just dosnt go away and i have needed medication for both the depression and axiety as well as talking to a psychologist which did help.

I am sorry that you had 3 cousins attempt to take their life.That must be hard on you knowing about your own depression.I lost one cousin to depression about 2 years ago.And tell your doctor to about all that.They usually want to know about family history with depression.

Take care,


I am on 2 prescription tablets that has depression as a side affect but I think it started roughly when I was 16 (these prescriptions I first started went on at 19) and now 31. But it also could be because I went through bullying mainly for being overweight in primary & high school, lost a family friend that i was close to at about 14 who was like a grandmother to me, losing another grandmother like figure to me, losing my first grandfather, then losing my second grandfather, losing another cousin who was only 6-7 years older then me and finally the gastroenterologist who miss handled my case. Yeah I’m going to try to get into seeing my doctor and will have a chat with her as I’m just feeling more and more physically & mentally drained as time goes by. And thanks it’s nice to finally have some support as I mentioned I’ve tried to talk to some family members and apparently to most of my friends I’m way to negative.

Hi mocha delight,i totally understand what is like to not have anyone to talk to about it and still find people just brush it off really no understanding of it at all and much i am struggling because of it.I to was bullied at school as i have aspergers and i was very quiet and different to other kids.You have had a lot of things to deal with in your life and it is all builds up.I hope the doctor can see how it is effecting you.

Take care,


I also when I was really young was cross eyed so had to have a operation to fix that then wore glasses for quite a while. Not to mention I to was a very shy person, have a learning disability and did not have many friends. So as said it’s nice to have support as that’s all I wanted was to have at least one person that I could go & chat to who could just be there for me like you know give me some support but it didn’t happen so now I feel like I’d just be better to keep it bottled up inside as I basically asked for help but did not received it.

Hi mocha delight,school was such a cruel place when you were different to the other kids.I was a real shy person and still am.I tried talking to a family member recently about what i was going through but they just basically ignored me and didnt seem to care so i came back on here just to find someone to talk to.This is a really good non judgemental place to talk with caring people.

Take care,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi mocha delight,just seeing how you are feeling today?I had a busy morning which took my mine of things for awhile.It is really hard to escape from depression i find its with me all the time.

Take care,


Hey mark thanks for the reply yeah I’m ok, bit teary for no reason, see sawing in between being hungry & not hungry, seesawing in between sleeping to much & not enough, drained physically & mentally (seems to be permanent) and all this at once. So how are you doing today are still/ were busy and might not be by now? sorry did not how to put that question and keep me updated.