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I'm starting to get hi k I have chronic fatigue syndrome

Community Member

Hi I'm wondering if it really is worth going to the doctor to get diagnosed. I thought i was just in burnout from leaving a job over a year ago but think it is more than that now as my energy levels are still so down etc I've just started a part time job and am totally exhausted after a days work.

Just thought it would be good to chat about it

2 Replies 2

Community Member

CFS can't actually be diagnosed. It's essentially a matter of ruling out everything else. When you go to the dr they'll run a bunch of standard blood tests and might send you to get a sleep study done. If you're run down I would definitely look into the cause - but just be aware that it most likely will be a long road of rest and specialists to get an answer.

I first got sick in 2003 and it wasn't until 2013 until I was told it was CFS. However, a few months later I was then diagnosed with either idopathic hypersomnia or narcolepsy.

I really feel for you and hope you get answers far quicker than I did.

Hi thanks for the reply and I feel a bit of a read to even be opening up the question both in my head and practically on here. I even mentioned it to a fsmil member for discussion. And they were supportive which surprised me. Btw how do I put a photo up?