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I'm new!

Community Member

Hello everyone!


I am new to this forum and I am excited to learn and share.

Thank you!

8 Replies 8

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Guest_21305159,


A very warm and caring welcome to our forums, it so nice that you have joined this amazing community…


I have been a member since 2017,  have grown mentally and have learned so much from these forums…by both sharing and trying to offer my support to other members…


How are you today?…we are all here for you, whenever you feel the need to talk or share as much or as little as you feel up to you, your life struggles, hobbies…anything you feel comfortable with..


My kindest thoughts dear Guest,


Community Member
Hey iam also new here, excited to learn stuff here. Also for charity-related information.

Community Member

welcome me too new.

Community Member

Hi! I'm a new member as well.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Welcome guest 21305159

we are glad you posted. How are you feeling now.

Guest 83 welcome and feel free to join in. 

Guest25 welcome to you, How are you.


Kimmys 23 

welcome .

Feel welcome to tell us bit about yourself if you want to.