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How and Where do you Communicate to the Forums?
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Hello Everyone.....New posters too!
Its more of a lighter topic for a change from me. I am currently using a 2006 Hewlett Packard Micro tower using the obsolete Windows XP Professional platform.I use my study looking out to my gorgeous garden whilst I am 'on the air'. I am curious what other people use ..whether a cell phone....laptop....PC....Apple...a tablet....an ipad maybe? And where in your home you are comfortable doing so
I am just trying to 'paint a mental picture' of what tool people use and where they post from in their home. The lounge room...in front of their television.....in the garden..home theater...in the car on a mobile phone? Help me paint a picture of where you are coming from so I can 'see' you
Just curious and thankyou for reading my thread too
Kind Thoughts
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Marcsa....Apple! Nice ....music as well....in a study....Nice set up Marcsa..Great of you to post!
My Mishy...Welcome to the Beyond Blue Community! Mobile phone and couch...and a retro PC thats slow and old.....I dont think you are slow or old MyMishy....Great of you to post and I hope to see you around 🙂
Tony WK...You have done so much as you a guru when it comes to being Handy and building things. Computers and insanity seem to sit well in the same sentence...Thankyou Tony WK
Kind Thoughts
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Haha thx Paul, relaxed?..
hmmm highly strung and anxious today, hoping it will pass.
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Hi CMF 🙂 It was just the way you wrote your post...whoops did I read that the wrong way!
The anxiety can be a pain..sorry you are feeling crappy cmf...The anxiety is very draining too
I hope the rest of your day improves
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Hey Paul,
I am sitting in a comfy white leather recliner with my feet up. I use my Samsung galaxy 6 phone. I have the tv in front of me in a corner but to either side there are large glass windows and doors so I can see outside. I can see the side of my yard lined with camelias with one tree in full bloom, a lovely fairy floss pink. I can see the kids trampoline and the path right near the window where they often scoot past on their powerwing scooters.
This part of the house is our infomal living area. We have a small lounge area where I sit. There is a cubed bookcase here with kids books and toys. It opens to a dining area where two more large walls have bookcases with closed in cupboards at the bottom, full of boards games and arts and craft materials, then the kitchen nearby. This is the hub of the home. We have another living and dining area but don't use them as often.
Great thread!
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- Paul, I am not comfortable at all with technology and always get into trouble with it. Having lived a decade in primitive conditions, mostly in India and Sri Lanka, I was used to having no mod con at all. I often walked miles to get water and did my washing by bashing hell and grime out my clothes on rocks in the closest river bed. You can imagine the culture shock when I returned to Europe. 10 years on everything was computerized !
- I have an old HP PC, only used for emails as it is hooked to dial-up and won't go past Google. For everything else I use a HP laptop, connected via satellite internet (no NBN available here). It has a very short connection to the dish on the roof so I am forced to sit at the kitchen table with the "spare" room door open to let the wire through (from the modem). Yes, I know I should get a router but have no idea what to buy and how to connect it...that's how techno ignorant I am. If I stuff up -which is likely- there's no one around here who could come to the rescue.
- I often have one dog tugging at my jeans leg and another on my lap (at least I know where s/he is and what s/he is up too). Not a comfortable set-up but that's what it is 🙂 My computer sessions are always interrupted by "dogwork". Deprogramming / reprogramming rehab dogs who have been deemed unrehomable at the best (sometimes dangerous) has much in common with looking after troubled kids...can't take your eyes off them too long. Always something going on that shouldn't.
- Hope this explains (but not excuses) some of the typos, omissions etc...and also my absences.
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Hey Paul,
i did end up having a good day despite my earlier anxiety but I'll pop into the cafe later re that.
you did read it right. I try and get organised and comfy so I can feel relax and have time to read/respond to posts. I look forward to it, which is a good thing.
catch up with you in the cafe.
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Hey Paul. I'm sitting in my kitchen/dining room downstairs. I have a laptop PC, was my ex's, he now has his own. I sit at the rear of my unit at the table, overlooking my little patio. During the day (if I'm home and weather permitting) I can sit on the patio with an extension cord. Evenings (before it gets too dark) I sit inside at the window overlooking my small yard which has a rockery. Upstairs are the living quarters, two bedrooms, one of which is 'junk', the other I sleep in. I often watch t.v when I'm answering posts, although it can be distracting. I can play music via my laptop, I have youtube on the PC. It's so nice and peaceful here, I have a front door, plus sliding door which is open during the hotter months. Not very technically minded, so what I have suits me. I also have a sliding door at the back, so I actually have 4 exits to choose from. No access to the car from inside. I have to actually go outside to the garage.
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Hey Mr Woof (-:
Well..... I do have lap top but it died. I am using an Amazon kindle fire e reader. It is a bit like an ipad. We have WiFi at our place.I like to read, so I have heaps and heaps of digital books on this reader. I also have tons of physical books too.
At the moment, while typing this, I am lying down on my bed. My bed is covered with a patchwork quilt in the pattern of squares. The colours in the quilt are shades of blues. This bed is constructed with recycled timber. The fan is on, because I like moving air. To the left of me is a set of two windows. If one pulls back the curtains, and looks across the road, you see the neighbours carport. If you look above you will see cracks in our ceiling. It is a high ceiling.
Other times I will sit in either two chairs in our living room. One chair is near the power point. Looking up in this room on the ceiling one would see raised patterns of flowers and borders. This ceiling is also high. But I don't know what these raised patterns are called. I know there is a special name for them. Anyway one could just lay back and look and look at the ceiling. Looking out this window, I can see a crepe myrtle tree, which usually has pink flowers, but it is now losing its leaves. Also there is our long driveway. Lining the driveway is a row of formal looking trees. If I sit in the other chair whilst typing you can see right through a door way into the kitchen. You are pretty much looking at the oven and a couple of ivory coloured cupboards.
If you listen closely, you can hear a variety of different birds. And right this moment I heard a coal train moving along in the distance.
OK, good thread Mr Woof, one can feel a little more connected to others.
Shelleybelly xx
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Well, it depends. Mostly these days it is the macbook, sadly the powerbook is getting a little on the slow side for the internet now. The setting is in the front room of my little terrace house looking out through the oak trees to hedges and roses, endless green in summer, and at the moment yellow, orange and all shades of red. Being near the centre of town there are always people walking past, all sorts of people with all sorts of stories. I am happily recluse and still connected with the outside world just here.
Out and about I would go for the tiny iPad thing. It has the benefit of being portable, as do I working over a patch that covers an area about half the size of Victoria.