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Community Member

hi there im jay. i just made my acount most of the time i will be here to try and help other people the best i can. i strugle with a lot of differen't things in my day to day life. i want to make the world a safer place for people like me who have to hide who they are from the world in fear of being disregarded or abandoned. i get it i know what it feels like to be the out cast the one who just doesn't fit in, the one that is almost there but their just not. yeah thats me the kid whos just kinda there. so nice to meet you all even though im not really meeting any of you haha.


(fyi i will be using this acount to rant about my life due to a lack of support from friends)

3 Replies 3

Dear jay22,
Thank you for reaching out for support and sharing with us. It is brave that you are reaching out.

Our forums are a safe, non-judgmental place for users to give and receive support from others. We want you to know we're here to provide as much support, advice and conversation as you need.

Please keep checking in and letting us know how you're getting on whenever you feel up to it.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Jay, and welcome to the site.

Your help and advice would be very much appreciated because all of us come from different backgrounds and our circumstances could relate to how other people are trying to cope.

Please feel as though you can trust us because we have all gone through some type of depression ourselves and know how you are feeling.

Best wishes.


mocha delight
Community Member
Hi jay22 first welcome and you sound a little bit like me but I don’t have support from family either as I’ve learned not to reach out to family/friends after reaching out to two family member’s which one completely ignored me and the other family member I tried to talk to well let’s just say that chat did not go to well.