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Community Member

I'm a 21 year old white male and I wanna shrivel up and die. Not even sure if I want to talk about it. Just need to say it.

2 Replies 2

Hi crashmatilda, 

Thank you for being part of our community forums. You've joined a safe space, where you will receive support from our community.

We're writing because your post has us a little worried, and we wanted to make sure that you have the help and support you need. If you feel you need to talk through your thoughts and feelings, our Support Service is available on 1300 22 4636. You might also like to call our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14), who offer great crisis support. When you're ready, please keep posting to let us know how you are going.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi crashmatilda

you dont have to talk about anything if you dont want to...the forums are a really safe and private place for you!

Just wanted to say I have felt the same as you do now.....many times in my 20's...and its awful

Sophie_M really covered everything above in her post as she is really understanding

you are not alone here....and your age or skin color doesnt matter either....Your well being does matter though

Here for you if you want to post back 🙂

Im Paul and its good to meet you.... (I have anxiety and depression)...