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Hi Everyone ~ yeah I love Trees :)

Community Member
Bullying at work was the last thing I expected, or needed in early 2012.  I'd never had a panic attack before then.  Fortunately for me, I've a great clinic close to home, so I reached out for assistance early, and received great support from medical professionals.  I still feel a bit fragile emotionally when I reflect on the last 4 years.  Up until this intense phase with anxiety and depression, I thought if anyone was immune to mental illness... it was me.  Suffice to say, I passed that denial phase a few years ago 😉  If sharing my experiences can help anyone, I'm glad to contribute.  
2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
It definitely will you are in the right place to offer your experience and support many will benefit from your experience because workplace bullying is so common and many stories remain untold. I am a survivor of workplace bullying luckily what my boss said he was going to do to me never happened, I left him in lurch before anything else could be said or done. Endured his evil ways for 3 years it was long enough i think, so yes what I'm saying is Ur story will help many here. Good on u for joining the forum and welcome xx Venessa

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Treespirit....Paul here...

What an encouraging and inspirational post Tree! And a Big Welcome to the BB Forums

You should be so very proud of yourself by posting Tree...As Vanessa has just mentioned you DO have a lot offer by sharing your experiences. Thankyou Treespirit.

Just a compliment on what you wrote about passing the 'Denial Phase'  Nice1...It is wonderful to read those words. Workplace bullying...That is a very sad area to have been involved in where directors place profit before people. Same happened here with me Treespirit....It was dreadful...grr

We would really love any input or help you have to give us and other posters too!

You have also reached out for help and have a great team of doctors....You are a legend Treespirit...

Still emotionally fragile....no worries...so are many people on here..(and me too) If you wish to help anyone with what you have to offer..go for it...You have overcome many hurdles on your path to recovery...If you wish to have a cuppa or a snack our virtual BB Cafe is open when you need to have some time out 🙂

Kind Thoughts
