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Hi All, new member here

Community Member

Hi all,

I am a 40+ yo male, and have a good family situation with children at school, and have a good occupation and no financial worries. In late 2018 I was diagnosed with anxiety & depression by the family GP. The depression/anxiety issues had been quietly noted by the GP on previous visits, and my wife and manager at work had separately noted issues/changes. Looking back, I can see signs of it from early 2018.

Some of the issues are related to anxiety, and others to depression. I believe a main factor is due to the fact that my father was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour in late 2016, and passed away mid 2018. An added complication is the fact that I worked for my father in a small family business – I still work there, and there is now little stress at work, although it did once have it’s major challenges mentally.

Having a parent pass away naturally brings a period of grief, but I believe I turned a corner with respect to that late last year, and do not consider it a current stress.

Regarding the anxiety, it is random and illogical. Being with friends is usually fine, but at other times I cannot handle it. Sometimes being in a crowd is fine, other times I have to move out and have some “space”. Sometimes, small things that were not an issue before, become insurmountable obstacles. These “things” change with time, and are clearly illogical, even to me.

It is often hard to listen to anything negative, be it world news, or any other issues, and sometimes have to step out of the conversation.

Regarding the depression. Sometimes this takes the form of “down” periods, which could be anywhere from seconds to weeks, which I find very strange. The longer time periods I understand, but often every couple of minutes I feel very “down” for just a few seconds, and then the cycle repeats itself. I don’t get this, perhaps they are “mood swings” or similar. Often in these few seconds I feel like crying, it’s really strange.

During longer down periods, the kids have asked why I was just sitting out on a stool under the back verandah doing nothing. My shoulders feel like they just want to sink through the floor. My wife is quietly very supportive, and knows how I am feeling without asking. She quietly sorts the kids out during these times if they are being difficult. She is an absolute champion.

Anyway… the Beyond Blue site is a good one, and a good source of info and help. I appreciate those who have put effort in to it, it has helped.



2 Replies 2

Community Member
Hi stormboy good on you for speaking up, depression started for me when I was young so the feeling and thoughts you have shared are familiar. You sound like you recognise and rest when symptoms occurr. Be kind to yourself. All the best for the future. Hope it helps knowing there is a community that understands

Thanks Joeypos.

Appreciate the comments.

It is nice to know that there are others in a similar (but different) situation, and that we are not alone.

One bright part of the situation is that we can understand and appreciate what others are going through, and help support them as well.