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Hi all. An introduction.

Community Member
Hi everyone, I'm Jay. I'm new to this site and also to the realization that I have been lost for a long time. While I've had some therapy in the past; at a young age for an eating disorder, in my mid twenties for anxiety and depression, and very soon for what I'm believing to be PTSD and the aforementioned mental conditions. I've been to my a GP today and will be back again in two days time to figure out a treatment plan with a clinical psychologist. While I was committed to my recoveries in the past, this time I don't just want get better, I want to be the best me I can be. I believe that starts by admitting that while the circumstances that initially led me down this path were completely out of my control, getting back on track is well within my capabilities. That's not easy with self doubt plaguing me, as well as it being very hard to separate the goody
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Jay, thanks for posting your comment.
Can I suggest you google this which you probably have already 'ways to get better from depression'.
The circumstances on why people get depression can vary from person to person and then affect us in different ways, and even during our time in depression our circumstances could well and truly change once again, so it's never a straight rule with this illness, if however you know exactly what has caused you from having it, then that makes it slightly easier.
You have had three different causes for you to get help, eating disorder, anxiety/depression and then PTSD which could all be about the previous two issues.
Determination is the key point here and it seems as though that's what you have here, 'not to get better but to be your best', and that's a great attitude to have.
Be kind to yourself alone the way and be proud for what you have achieved, and realise that if you do happen to fall back one step then your determination is much bigger.
Please let us know very interesting. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Jay,

Welcome and thanks for posting and sharing.

You said "that this time I don't just want get better, I want to be the best me I can be".  What does
that mean?  

I'd always thought that getting better meant seeing a psychologist or getting help which allows us to be the best person that we can be. Is your psychologist not helping?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

Miss Odette
Community Member

Good afternoon,

Well it's so cold and wet here it must be snowing up the mountains. Now the weather formalities is over and done with. Let me introduce myself. Formal diagnosis reactive major depression, panic anxiety, chronic pain Tiezies disease, adverse reactions to most medications known to man. Yep that is what the Medic Alert bracelet says. I'm tagged. Hate it so much I hide it under my watch. Not forgetting the "beware dark humour used as a coping skill" note on my file." has absconded in the past". Don't want it, will never accept it, have learned good coping skills. I wasn't born with it, I was exposed to a life changing event back in 1995. rebuilt my life and changed direction with my career. Now you would think a slower direction but no not this girl, ramped it up to the next level. You see I function well professionally its home I fall down. Then the day came and I was confronted at work by a out of control junior member of staff. My physical body degenerated. I resigned. never to return. But hey I'm not just a diagnosis I am a person, a cranky, loyal (often misguided) sassy, generous, creative middle aged silver haired human that happens to be someone's sister. Complete with feelings and emotions.

I do hope this sounds familiar to someone as I am isolated, This is my little secret. Something to be ashamed of.

Always ashamed of the depression and fallout. Not for others having depression but myself. I was treated like a criminal when I had depression.

I find I decompensate quickly but always bounce back. It just takes the energy out of me and I want to hide.

Hey we are all newbies here, this is certainly a first for me typing an online forum. Why now? well guys my PTSD has been "flipped on" again and I don't see a future. I went to help a dear friend and was re exposed to violence with no assistance. I just don't want to be ill again. Stress now has physical implications for my bod.

On a more positive note I have good coping skills that I can share with a view to helping someone. Like a "toolbox" of life to get us through those dark days.

Beyond Blue has been a great resource in a past crisis. talking and "grounding" has saved me on now rare occasions in the past.

Well guys that's me. Tis what it is.

Take Care

Cheers Aurora