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Community Member
hi guys I sometimes get depressed and am only on here because I wanted to know if things do get better?
3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

HI Sokunn

A Warm Welcome to the forum. Many of us here know what it is like to be depressed. But through the different threads in this section along with the STAYING WELL section as well as the appropriate area associated with the disorder that you have, in your case, Depression.

Things do get better for us over time as we all open up about our problems and slowly share the journey of the battle to think positively, sleep well, exercise well, eat well and more. It is always a vivid reminder that you are not alone!

Each day and hour can be quite a battle, but as we each share the experience of what gets us through from exercise through to just sitting in a happy place and being able to meditate can be quite enjoyable. We all benefit from what others do for themselves.

Feel free to check out the Looking after yourself link below; and if you can't cope don't hesitate to call the support line. Many of us would be lost without our therapists whom our doctor referred us to.

Take care and all the best


Community Member
Sometimes I now get depressed because I have to give $200 a fortnight to my Ex for child support. We have like a private arrangement for this. But I get depressed because i'd rather not give the $200 and instead do it through Child Support so the Government gives it

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

HI Sokunn

Sorry to hear about your financial and relationship problems.

However this part of the forum: "BB Social Zone" is aimed at us having a break or distraction from our woes. A place for a bit of light-hearted humour or fun.

Some of your problems are not areas that I have personal experience or expertise. I haven't been able to find another thread from you … so if you are having trouble starting a thread here is the basics for you to start a thread where we can support you. May I suggest that you start another thread possibly under Depression or Relationship Issues (only you know the best areas where you would want us to support you).

1. Go to: Online Forums at the top righthand side of the BB Website.

2. Click on: "All Threads" Tab in the Forums.

3. Scroll down to the subject that you prefer - Depression, Relationships or Other, and click on that.

At the top right-hand side you will see a box called "New Thread" Select that and start your thread on the topic that you would like support with.

Lets try and keep this thread light-hearted and reasonably pleasant. We all make mistakes and struggle, but we also need to cheer each other up too. That is what this part of the forum is for.

As I said above, there is light at the end of the tunnel and it would be good if you could give your $ support through other means as you suggested. But if you start another thread I will be happy to respond to it there.

Take Care.
