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Hey guys

Community Member

Hey everyone hope you are as well as you can be

I'm new here I did signup sometime ago but never really got on I find it extremely difficult to talk to people about my anxiety and now seem to be getting depression on top of it in turn is making the anxiety even worse

today is the first time I have felt like it has just got way to much for me and right now want to call beyond blue just to talk to someone but in a weird way feel like I'm just being a pain in the butt lol

Im working in the centre of NSW and 80kms from any town and just feeling alone and anxiety is through the roof ATM

And stuck in a bloody dust storm most of the day haha

Would love to meet some friends on here that know what I'm going through as they have to

Well that's enough from me till I get on the computer takes to long on the phone typing lol

6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Wolfy

Welcome and good on you for having the courage to post your thread too!

Being a part of the forum family you can post about your depression/anxiety status without judgement. Your privacy and well being are paramount to Beyond Blue Wolfy 🙂

I understand your situation as I used to have chronic anxiety followed by depression for a long time and its a horrible place to be in for sure

Can I ask if you have spoken to your GP about your anxiety? (even by phone or Skype) I still see my doc every 6 weeks for a 'fine tune' if I have any problems and take meds to help me self heal

There are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you that also have the same set of symptoms

Any questions are welcome. I hope that you can stick around the forums...only if and when its convenient

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Thanks for the welcome and kind words Paul hope you are doing well

No I have not really talked about it with my GP but now you mention it I will be doing that asap as up till this point I have just dealt with it myself and have done well doing so but with everything that has happened in the last 2 months it's just got too much for me and I know I need help and don't have to deal with it on my own

Oh I will most definitely be popping in from day to day such a nice relaxing forum with no judgement from anyone just caring people helping each other

I will post about my last two months tomorrow will feel good just to take about it

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Wolfy

Welcome to the forum, it is great to have you on board. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time but happy you have found yourself here, to get it off your chest and to get some support and comfort. You are very right, there is no judgement here, just caring people who have a story and can share experiences and thoughts and care for each other.

I am so glad to hear you are going to make an appointment with a GP, that is a great place to start, they can give you some tools and some support too to get through this time.

I just wanted to say , NEVER feel like you are a pain in the butt, you dump whatever you need to here, to give yourself some space inside for love and to be kind to you.

Hope to chat some more and hear about Wolfy.



Community Member

Hey Aaronsis

thanks for the lovely reply was nice to see this morning well the anxiety calmed down after i did some ready on the site and the forum and some nice replys

i took the day off work today as when i did wake up i felt fine had 2 coffees and took the new medication the dr put me on for blood pressure done some house cleaning then they started (anxiety) the attacks seem to be getting worse as as the depression has really started getting to me as this morning i started shaking seemed like i was having a hot flush chest felt tight and throat felt like it was closing up has done that many times over the last 2 days this mostly started about two months ago well the depression did have had the anxiety for 2yrs now

ended up in hospital 2 months ago because i had a spontaneous numer thorax on my left lung that almost completely collapsed my lung was in hospital for around 2 weeks and thats where the depression comes in because i only work casual never got paiped for them two weeks and in total had about 1 months off rest and thats when the bills started coming in hard and fast i have started getting on top of them as best i can that has helped me

ok back to the thorax its ok for now still have some pain in that area and fluid under my lung that the dr is waiting and hoping it absorbs up but thats what has me really worried and i cant help it

it sends the attacks through the roof at times and we all know that you just wanna run and hide feeling

and being so far out off town its hard to see anyone or drs on a reg basis

being out of town this far also does not help with the anxiety as it makes me feel so alone i really only see my boss out here and thats only once a week sometimes twice a week i talk to my kids once a weekand see them every second weekend take them out to do something i do get on and have somewhat of a friend ship with my ex as it just makes things so much easier and the kids dont need to see as fighting or anything like that

so being this for out of town and having health problems atm is a big part in how im feeling atm with anxiety and now depression i have had depression being and was on meds for it about 9yrs ago but got of the meds and was in a really good place in life till now

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Wolfy

You are definitely going through a rough patch especially with the spontaneous pneumorthorax condition. It is good you mentioned that its ok for now and you having a doctor that is monitoring your condition...

Thankyou for your kind post above and yes I am doing okay. Ive been on antidepressants for 23 years which have reduced my anxiety and helped me with my day to day well being....as well as seeing my doc for a 'fine tune' every few weeks

My anxiety started in 1983 when I was 23 and it was awful....I do remember that I had a meeting prior to my mega anxiety attack and had a few cups of coffee. The heavy duty anxiety kicked in a couple of hours later

Just per my own experience with the horrible anxiety.....The coffee only exacerbated my own set of symptoms which are identical to yours....the tight chest....the shaking....throat feeling like it was closing up....These are awful symptoms to have. Please dont get me wrong Wolfy....I love my coffee too yet 2 cups in the morning (or even 1 cup) can make us more prone to these vile anxiety symptoms

Can I ask if you have a couple of people (a support network) that you can confide in? This can be a huge help too

You have a lot on your plate Wolfy and my best wishes for your recovery from the spontaneous pneumorthorax condition you have been going through

If you ever need voice on voice support, Beyond Blue have super gentle qualified people that can be there for you 24/7 on 1300 22 4636

I do hope you can let us know how you are going....if and when you wish of course

my kind thoughts


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Wolfy

I am so very sorry for the late reply, it was so fantastic to read that you were feeling some what better and you have felt the support that we are giving you, that is wonderful. How are you feeling today?

I am so sorry to hear of your thorax issues, that is really scary and also that you are so very far out of town makes it hard to see anyone regularly, that is so frustrating. It does also sound very isolating for you too, how far away are the closest people to you? It is great to hear that you have a good relationship with your ex, that does help so very much and that you can see your kids and have them in your life, that is wonderful. I am so very grateful too that I have a good relationship with my ex and agree, kids don't need to see fighting and have to be worried about "adult" problems and issues.

I am not sure if it is possible to skype people and use that as a method of having contact with people and family to feel not so alone and isolated. I used to live in Thailand and it was such a nice way of staying connected with people when I too felt so alone and isolated.

You do have so much on your plate and as Paul mentioned, sometimes it might just be nice to chat these things over with a person on the phone too, the BB phone line crew are wonderful and might be able to suggest some other things to try to combat the loneliness and the feelings of isolation.

Big hugs to you