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first timer

Community Member
Hi all , this is my first time posting and dealing with anxiety / depression , I don't know why but since I began this journey I found typing / talking does help. like most I am curious as to thoughts and how it all works / tips on how other people cope , the more info I receive the more comfortable I am with my condition. Compared to where I was 2 months ago I consider myself lucky if not through good support from family / websites / the mindspot online course / doctors / meds / phycologist and hard work , I have sucombe to the fact its a long journey and there may be some ups and downs but believe I am ready if not for me but my wife and two girls. best of luck to you all.
3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Timmy,

I would like to extend a caring welcome. I hope you’re still reading 🙂

I’m so sorry for the late reply. Sometimes it happens, but it is absolutely not a reflection on you. Again, I do apologise...it’s more about us accidentally missing posts...

It sounds as though you have been struggling. Anxiety and depression can be debilitating. I know it can be a daily struggle, so I feel for your experiences and pain...

I love your mindset though, especially how you understand that managing our mental health is often a long-term process, rather than an overnight quick fix. I agree, and I think it’s great that you’re exploring your thought process as well...

The last 2 months sound as though they have been a major turning point. I think it’s brave that you’ve reached out for help, and have both professionals supporting you as well as loved ones rallying around you. Your wife and 2 children must be such beautiful people and I’m glad you all have each other 🙂

Thanks so much for sharing. If you’re finding writing here helpful, feel free to share your thoughts and feelings any time. Obviously, there’s no pressure to share more than what you feel is comfortable, but just know we are here if you want to talk or unload...

Kind and caring thoughts,


Thanks pepper , I thought I had the process wrong by not getting g a reply lol , as said it’s my first time posting and am unsure of the procedure. Just quickly if I do see a post I like and or want to give words of encouragement / feedback do I just sort of browse thenreply back ? And wow I can’t believe how many people I know of whom have been touched by anxiety / depression ! Just this morning a customer at work casually said , have got rid of that “black dog yet” it took me a second to click and I said I’m getting there ( one of my family members must have told him which is fine as I have nothing to hide ) ( my father and brother have had similar issues too ) we had a quick chat about it but he seemed like one of those people who didn’t want to open up too much. Sounds like everybody / everycase is different and they handle it thier own way ( some cope some do not ☹️ ) I don’t want to get my hopes up but I feel excellent ATM I’m still on meds and my main concern / worry is how I will react to coming off them but will cross that bridge when I come to it. I have just completed the MindSpot Clinic course ( which I found very helpful ) so along with that and a lot of research / education / a lot of small changes am in a much better place. I applause all in the mental health industry. Thank you very much and wish everyone the best.

Hi Timmy,

It’s great to hear from you again. I think you seem to be doing a good job finding your way around the forums 🙂

I also think it’s great that you’ve been visiting different threads. I feel it can be comforting to feel a little less alone in our struggles. Absolutely yes, if you’re interested in sending words of encouragement on someone else’s thread, you can just hit the “reply” button and start writing away.

I agree with you that everyone manages their mental health in slightly different ways and that coping styles can vary a lot. Also, you’re right about how some people are more or less open about their struggles...there really is a huge range of openness levels...

I feel it was very kind of you to have tried to have chatted with your work customer. Even if they weren’t very responsive/wanting to open up, at least you offered them the option to share...that’s your compassion showing up right there 🙂

Congratulations on completing the MindSpot course! Excellent work. It sounds as though it has been very helpful. I haven’t completed it personally but I’ve heard good things about it.

Kind and caring thoughts to you,
