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fairly new here. but my sickness isnt

Community Member
hi there. iv had this sickness for 12 to 13 yrs now. anxiety and depresion! but when i think about it its probably since i was in my 20,s.(53 now) sometimes it has disapeared for a year or 2 and i think, great im cured. at the moment iv never been worse. i havnt been able to work much because im so nervous and make mistakes and because of the meds i swet bad. so bad that it get dangerous. (im a roofer) constant shaking dosnt help. i go out and just seem to fall off a cliff in despair. one minute im fine then , bang im gone. people i dont know ask if im ok. my whole face changes.like im staring at death. i have to just walk to try to get it together. my friends are incredible with there suport but i know it gets them down also. that tears me apart. i cry about that the most. im so lucky that iv got a litle suport group who  have got my back. but most people can pick im not ok and if they ask im just honest with them. if find that most people have incredible empathy! i went off the meds last week but no good that way. one friend is trying tough love and saying that its not just meds i need but to try and think positive. she,s right off course. (bless her) anyway went to center link and they were really good. trying new meds and a few $ will be great. at least i can eat. i hope you have as great people in your corner as me because i would stand a chance. neil
5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there Neil Phillip,

Welcome and thank you for starting to share your story. There is so much to read here and plenty of room to share experience too. There are plenty of good people on this forum who are in your corner when you post here. I look forward to hearing more of your story as time goes on.


thanks rob. i think writing it down helps

dear Neil, it's always good when we have new members telling us of their own struggles because it gives you a chance to find some friends, and no matter what you or anybody else has to say, there is someone who can relate to exactly the same problem or similar.
The trouble with having any type of depression is that it can go away for a period of time, but it still brews away and can come back to us at any time, when this may happen we don't know, it could be gradual or it could be suddenly.
I know that they have safety precautions when working on a roof, but still I hope that you that care of yourself. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi there Neil


And welcome to Beyond Blue as well.


Thank you for providing your initial post and it’s great that you responded back to as well.  Always great to hear back from good folk who’ve posted here.


What you could also perhaps do is to start up your own thread in one of the select forums – like with the Depression or the Anxiety areas. 


Those sound like some unfortunate side effects with the sweating that you have to deal with … and I guess with it being summer and hot, that doesn’t help much at all.  Probably just makes it flare up even more so … though as I write this, we’ve now ticked over to autumn, but the outside temperatures don’t quite know that as yet, as we’re still getting some good heat happening.


That does sound awesome about your small support network that you have – that can be an amazing source of help for us if we have, as you’ve suggested, even just a few people who are on side with us.  Sure we don’t need them all the time, but sometimes knowing that we have them there is a big help and then at times, we may be able to call on them as well.


As you’ve said, writing things down can be helpful – kind of therapeutic … I know this personally and I’ve come across a lot of others on this site who have said the same thing.


Hope to see your name around the traps a lot more, cause it’s a bloody excellent name.  J





Community Member
Hi Neil you are so courageous to tell your story you sound like a great bloke and I hope you start feeling better.  Remember you can't help feeling like this anymore than someone who has got diabetes its out of your control its just these wonderful brains of our don't work like they should sometimes.  Im sure your friends love you for what you are and that's why they stick to you. hugs