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Easter 2019

Community Member
Hi. I was previous member but my login didn't work. I came to BB and also seek other orgs at the start of the year (part of my resolution). But felt doors slammed in my face by those who suppose to help
Well, Easter has arrived and and it is affecting me badly. I spent most of the day in bed again hoping the weekend will just vanish. I can hear people partying, and I watch people being visited etc. I have no friends. I have no close family. I did have friends in year 12 back in the 1990s. I am a carer for my father. I cannot communicate well with others and don't understand emotions well. Easter is affecting me badly. I am hurting big time. I do not believe I am ugly and most people think I am younger than my real age. I have never been on a date or had my first kiss, and I have no sexual experience. I do not know what to do. I have had experiences with dating apps and sites. Its okay I'm not suicidal but have attempted in the past. I do feel like cutting my arm off as its so very painful and been stuff around by the Base Hospital yet again (I feel like cutting into my arm and then present myself so maybe I will finally get treatment by specialist instead of being muck-around). I no longer drink (over 250 days thanks to Alcohol Experiment program online. I'm scared of smelling alcohol). Why I am here and what do I want? Not sure, maybe get advice that is personalised rather than given generic online resources (my situation is a bit more specialised).
5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi GeminiLion

Good on you for your 250 days...That is a huge achievement not to mention the strength to do so!

I am surprised that you feel like you have doors slammed in your face Gemini. We do everything we can to provide you with the best support and TLC we can 🙂

There are many gentle people on the forums that also have various mental health problems

We are here for you GeminiLion. Im sorry that you are in a bad place at the moment..

How can we help?


I am just not coping. This weekend is hitting me hard. I'm not being an anti-bunny. But I am feeling very left out.

On the other stuff: With resolutions, I looked for work and just got rejected so I stop before my mental health went downhill fast. As for volunteering, I got rejected there too. I do not have any references (catch 22). I am looking at ways to make money via my own endeavours now.

My only friendships was social media. Trolls seems to be getting worse. And all the negativity. So, I have significantly limited social media.

I guess I want to experience all that grown up stuff others take for granted. I feel its far too late for me now and I no experience. I don't know what to do.

Easter Monday. I stayed in bed most of yesterday. One more day to go. Why am I typing here? As we can see, I am alone. Doors closed in my face. I realised a long time ago I'm on my own. I need to learn to stand on my own feet. I worry about others though. No wonder people don't make it. Many lives unnecessary lost because you are turned away, no help available, or ignored. It hurts having no one. But I know many out there are worse than me. My heart breaks for them knowing they are lost to the system

Hi GeminiLion,

Easter holidays can very much be lonely and long days. Public holidays can be depressing when you don’t have a lot of support.

Hope today be a good day, Well done for caring for your dad, that something to be proud of GeminiLion. Try not to compare yourself to other people, other people are not yourself. Your life is different to a lot of other but different is not bad. Take ya time on things their no rush to an achieve things. Work on yourself to help you improve things for you and your well being. Find a hobby or something to break up the day. You got this.

All the very best!!!


Hi, it's Saturday morning. How are you feeling?