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Do you feel comfortable on the forum?
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Hi Everyone,
I've just been having a look at some of the posts on the forum and have once again been aware that some people make a thread, post once and then we don't seem to hear from them again.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, I am just wondering why that might be the case.
Do any of you have any suggestions?
Can you think of ways people may feel encouraged to continue posting?
o you personally feel welcome on the forum?
Connecting with others on this forum can be so rewarding in many different ways.
I also realise a lot of people just read and don't post and that is okay as well.
Are there ways we can make people feel more welcome here?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and ideas.
Cheers to you all from Dools
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Hi Lynne,
I've not been posting for a while on the forum as my moods and depression have been so lousy. I felt like I had nothing positive to say, and you know what, that is okay too!
Many of us have lots of struggles. I sometimes feel like I just keep going over and over the same stuff all the time and don't know how to move forward.
Please continue to speak "YOUR TRUTH" as what you are feeling is your reality! None of us can walk in your shoes. None of us can intentionally hurt someone else...other people have to take on board what we write and reflect on it how ever their minds interpret what we have written.
We all have different coping skills. Sometimes I am able to help myself, other times that doesn't work so well.
I hope you can persevere here Lynne, I have unintentionally upset people on the forum. Sometimes the written word can be misinterpreted so easily as well.
I'm sorry you are struggling here and in real life as well. Hope you are able to connect with another volunteer role where you feel appreciated.
Kind regards to you from Dools
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Hi Lynne,
Hope you don't mind me jumping in but I saw your post and wanted to reply -
I'm really grateful that you shared about how you're feeling, I can guarantee that you're not alone in this and I think the nature of an online platform does make things extra difficult - unlike speaking in person, there's no easy way to know how it's been received. Add that with being a mental health forum and most of us are a little vulnerable anyway - so even the best intended comments, everyone can still offend members.
Personally, I've seen (and even talked with you) on so many of your posts - you've constantly come across as friendly, kind, empathetic and engaging. Instead of just posting, you're having conversations - which shows me how well you do fit in here.
Also Nat is right about being banned, but the mods also remove inappropriate posts (and let members know why) well in advance before a ban. I don't think from your post/s that that's the case.
Also for what it's worth, I do know quite a few people fired from their volunteer role! It's very rarely about the skills but more about the 'fit', and that's not always something you have control over.
Hope this gives you something to think about and hope to hear your feedback. 🙂
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Hi Helium
Like you, I often wonder about how my posts are received. Have I misinterpreted something? Made an unfair assumption? Been too honest? Unintentionally upset someone? It's really hard sometimes to get the balance right between honesty and a compassionate, helpful response.
We are all here with the knowledge that we are communicating with vulnerable and sometimes unwell people. The vast majority of us are not doctors, counsellors or professional mental health practitioners, we are just people with invaluable experience and a heart. I don't believe that anyone gets it 100 per cent right all the time, but we do our best in good faith.
I really want to encourage you to keep doing your best and participating when it feels right for you. For what it's worth, I have read many of your posts and found them helpful and insightful.
Kind thoughts to you
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Hi Lynne and Nat
32 years ago I was sacked from my prime job as dog ranger. Today I'm still upset by it. Dear Lynne, you have been through a lot and just because you have been dismissed from your volunteer work some 7 years ago doesn't mean you were at fault or that you are evil. However, regardless of the situation it has left you scarred. Such scarring is not uncommon for people on this forum.
Briefly, in my case. I was told by my bosses to give preferential treatment to a local state politician. He want to park near his office rather than walk 50 metres. Some days he wanted to park all day in a disabled zone! but most days he wanted to park all day in a one hour zone. People complained so fines were issued. When I was told to ignore his car I exploded in a rage because pensioners, the poor and the unemployed had to pay their fines. In the end I decided to issue fines regardless of my bosses orders. the local newspaper got hold of the story and I had a huge argument with my boss. I got pains in my chest and was falsely told I had a heart attack at 31yo. I was off work and 3 months later rediagnosed with panic attacks. That started my story of my mental health. In 2003 I was told I had ADHD then 2009 bipolar and dysthymia.
In 1977 at the ripe age of 21yo I left the Air Force to join Pentridge Prison as a prison officer. I was trained as a prison guard which included first aid, self defence and supervision. As a first aid person in 1983 whilst in Perth I brought back to life an indigenous man that had been struck by a car. Then in 1984 a 64yo lady in a factory had a heart attack and I saved her also. At all times when there is a person that needs medical assistance I jump to the rescue. It's in my blood. It's what I do and many other do also.
When these instances occur a crowd normally gathers around. The good part of that is that someone that is saving them or giving the victim treatment, has others at his/her disposal so they can direct them. In each of my cases I told (not asked) one person to get a pillow, one to get a blanket, one for water, one to ring 000 and asked if anyone else knew first aid because an extra person can do compressions while I did the blowing of air.
So my answer to you several days ago was not aimed at you Lynne, it was to question what is normal behavior when people suffer any medical event like you experienced. I came across a little objective.
I would love you to remain on the forums. You are special 🙂
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I am sorry you are thinking of closing your account.
I find your honesty and questions thought provoking.
You are not alone, I used to volunteer at a library and asked not to come back as I was too bossy and noisy. I know imagine that!!!
What I like about the forum is I get to meet so many different people with different ideas and a great variety of experience,
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Omg🙀 i have been sitting nearly 2hrs writing a reply and accidently pressed the page arrow button and it deleted it! so this reply wont be long.
Hi all you beautiful people.
Thankyou SOOOMUCH for your heartfelt replies and making me not feel alone how i feel alot of the time. I have read them all over several times. I will reply again tomorrow☺
Cheers lynne
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Dear Lynne
As you can see nobody wants you to go.
It is very easy when you are by yourself and your mind looks unkindly on itself to believe others agree -they don't.
Being outspoken may not always work out -true. But is simply one thing, one episode in a productive membership here. That's productive both for you and us, I too hope you remain
Croix (who managed to type this whole post without hitting the "disaster" key:)
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Hi Lynne
Great to see all the members post their support for you and how much you are valued here 🙂
I havent been online for a few days as I have been feeling like crap. I hope you are doing okay
you are never alone
my kind thoughts always
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Thanks again everyone for a kick in the butt.
Sorry to hear that paul, hope your feeling bit better at the moment. I hope others who feel this at times comes across this thread. Theres so many old threads im still coming across.
I am absolutely gobsmacked others have been fired from volunteer work! It might sound terrible but im extremely happy to know others have been as well. I didnt realise it was a thing, i thought it was just me. Im sorry quirky you were fired for being to noisy in a library, i dont know whether to laugh or cry! You made a good point RT bout its more about the fit than the skills that i didnt think of before, i was a very hard worker there and never faulted and was very polite and helpful and jesse never ever got in the way, the rest of the group i think are completely innocent its the 2 bosses who clearly didnt like me, although they voted me on there commity. I was completely blindsided and didnt see it coming so that made it worse considering i saw as a family. They did however seem to not believe in depression as when i mentioned it i was told its all in the mind and every has the choice to think happy or sad and i should paint my walls yellow to cheer me up! Sorry i know its not the right thread for this.
Omg paul i would have been fuming also about different rules for different people. Thats so cool you stood up to them but the aftershocks absolutely terrifying for you. Thankgod you didnt have heart attack! You've realy had some full on cool jobs there apart from dog ranger, as you would've encountered constantly no one likes a dog ranger! I know your wasnt aimed at me, i like everyone has stood around an accident ect just incase they need extra help. Its only natural shitty and cranky when you want nothing more than complete privacy with panic anxiety, but i completely get how natural although at the time if im still moody i may refuse to aknoledge it😆
Take care everyone including behind scene people. Ill continue to speak my truth. cheers lynne
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Hey Lynne
Thanks for your understanding....I will be okay...Just a difficult time..
I agree with your last post/paragraph about TonyWK being resilient and standing up to them. I admire his strength!
Great to have you on the forums Lynne and thankyou again for caring too 🙂
my kind thoughts