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Do you feel comfortable on the forum?
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Hi Everyone,
I've just been having a look at some of the posts on the forum and have once again been aware that some people make a thread, post once and then we don't seem to hear from them again.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, I am just wondering why that might be the case.
Do any of you have any suggestions?
Can you think of ways people may feel encouraged to continue posting?
o you personally feel welcome on the forum?
Connecting with others on this forum can be so rewarding in many different ways.
I also realise a lot of people just read and don't post and that is okay as well.
Are there ways we can make people feel more welcome here?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and ideas.
Cheers to you all from Dools
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Thankyou again everyone.
I will do that croix thankyou.
Thankyou everyone, im glad to hear others distort the words. If i do indeed have paranoid personality disorder then that explains alot but shawly i wouldve been diagnosed by now with it with the enormous amount of psychs ive seen.
If im not to nervous at the time ill try to let others posters know when i dont understand a post.
Hopefully your right tim that one day all those hidden negative messages will disappear. I spend an enormous amount of time each day analysing words ive read and peoples facial expressions ive seen.
Ive decided to re certify jesse for very light work. Theres no law saying they cant be in a pram cause he can still task while in it. The pram dosnt fit on the bus its too wide. I need to purchase all his gear again so that wont be cheap. Hes been out of action for 3yrs and now 9 1/2 so i wont push him with anything hes uncomfortable with.
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Hey Music_man....I felt like you did when I joined in 2016.....as I was really depressed. I just wanted to say that you are a legend by posting in the first place...Im sorry that I didnt see the posts you have written
Its great to have you as a part of the Beyond Blue family Music_man 🙂
Cool profile pic by the way!
my kind thoughts
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Hi Dools....thanx for the great thread!
Hey Helium.....Good on you for being being blunt and saying how it is!
As Croix mentioned......If we get too complicated or write a post that is overly long please let us know.....no worries at all..Please dont diagnose yourself with any type of personality disorder that you dont have.....Labels are for soup cans 🙂
You are an important part of the forum family Lynne.... your posts are just as valued as anyone else's
The time we spend on the forums is precious to us like yours. We are only doing the best we can to provide support and reassurance to members when required
Anyhow....I hope you have been having a good weekend Lynne 🙂
please be gentle to yourself
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Hi Lynne,
Sometimes I find it difficult to ask people to clarify something I don't understand.
Recently I was at a meeting where a person said something I thought was rather nasty towards me. Later on I questioned them in private and it seems I apparently misinterpreted the message.
I was thankful I said something no matter how uncomfortable it felt.
All the best with Jesse!
Cheers from Dools
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Im giving everyone here a superduper big hug🙇
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Hi Lynne,
Hope you are doing okay. I've not been on the forum for a few days, have had a bit of computer trouble and have been busy with training for a new job! It has all happened very quickly and is exciting.
Now I need to work out a balance between work, my volunteering and home life.
All the best to you. How is Jesse going? I visited a friend on Friday, she now has a rescue dog and cat, the pets get on very well with each other.
Cheers from Dools
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Hi dools
Im realy happy for you😁 thats realy cool. You certainly are a busy bee🐝
I dont know if its rude to ask what your job is. No pressure to answer that.
Ive been out of data few days. Jesses doing good. He's happy the fishies are multiplying now the waters warmer.
Thats great your friends pets get along. Id love another pet but not an option.
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Hi Lynne,
Thanks for your message and update. Hope you and Jesse are doing okay and yo aren't any where near a bushfire!
I would like more pets, we have a cat and goldfish. I don't always have the energy to look after myself let alone more pets. I did enjoy the hens we had, they were great company in the garden.
My job is as a weekend receptionist. I have never done this work before so will see how it goes. A couple of people were quite rude the other day when I was training and I felt like telling them off! Don't suppose I can really do that! Ha. Ha.
I'm going to have to get up and move around often though as my back and neck don't like me sitting for too long.
Hope you are doing okay.
Cheers from Dools
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Hi dools
Im sure youll be fantastic as a receptionist☎. Getting up and moving around reguarly is a very sensible idea.
Likewise i hope your not near any fires. We live on the central coast and the nearest fire is quite awhile away. Very neaseating smoke this morn. Its been sprinkling very fine ash the last few days. Except on the hot day we had it was sprinkling large chunks of ash and burnt leaves. Its amazing how far it travels. Its frightening enough watching the large flames on tv, i can only imagine the terror the brave people are who are in the danger zone
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Hi Lynne,
Hope you stay safe in your region. We don't have any fires where we are at present. Guess there is still a lot of hot and dry conditions to come though. We have had a few fires in our region the last few years.
Had my first weekend at work. It went reasonably well. Even though I got up and stretched often and walked around in my limited space, my back neck and shoulders are quite painful. Guess I will get used to it over time.
I've not been on the forum much. If I'm not feeling too good it is hard to engage positively with people.
ope you are doing oaky and feeling comfortable here on the forum.
Cheers from Dools

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