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Decided to finally join BeyondBlue.

Community Member
Hello there!
I finally decided to reach out on beyondblue, see if that helps with what i'm dealing with lately. I'd love to find somebody with Similar problems. I've always had problems with my mental health as long as i can remember, but these last few years it's gotten much worse due to crappy life experiences that have had unfortunately have happened to me. I'd love some help and insight on grief and mental health.
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Batcxntry

Welcome and great to have you as part of the forum family too 🙂

There are many gentle people on the forums that have experienced various types of mental illnesses. We understand you where crappy life experiences are concerned Bat. I have had chronic anxiety followed by depression for a few years and the symptoms (feelings) are awful to have

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post. If you wish to elaborate on any matter that is a problem we can do our best to provide you with the best support we can 🙂

Thanks again for being here with us Batcxntry!
