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Fibromyalgia, Hyperalgesia and Allodynia

Community Member


2015 I ruptured my ACL playing soccer. I underwent a reconstruction 3mths later which led to severe complications and ended up on 24 tablets a day due to my Saphenous and Femoral nerve being damaged and 3 Neuromas formed. I went to many different specialties to try to fix the problem and finally after 3 years found a genuine surgeon in another state who took me on, A plastic and Neuro surgeon amputated my Saphenous nerve beside my knee which permanently numbed my leg but also relieved 80% of the excruciating burning feeling and weakness I had.

As a consequence of my body being under stress, chronic fatigue and influence of prescription medication I developed Fybromialgia, Hyperalgesia and Allodynia, my stomach doesn’t absorb most nutrients anymore and I was unable to work or live a normal life.

I started having unusual problems such as a vibrating feeling in my leg and stomach which felt like my mobile phone was in my leg on silent and it was ringing. Turned out I was low on B12 I started to receive injections 3 or so a week apart and then once every 2 mths and symptoms went away but still chronic fatigue and pain 8-10.

After doing some more research on Fibromyalgia I asked my Gp if I could try a coarse of injections once a week for 6 weeks and found my fatigue went and my pain as well. I got a blood test done to check levels and was up to 1500 my life is almost back to how I was before the injury and diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, I do 5 very easy physio exercises every night on the floor and also as much as I love it found coffee to be one of the main culprits for muscle pain and since keep away from it.

As I have read there is no known cure or medication for Fibromyalgia and very little known studies into effective treatments, for me I have found these 3 steps a lifesaver.

Allodynia and Hyperalgesia I’m still trying to get through and keeping strong the feeling of having a blue bottle in my leg isn’t cool but luckily it changes to numbness or feeling like sticky tape is on my leg. I feel this all day everyday but after having it for 3.5 years I’m kind of used to it and keep as busy as I can.

7 mths since my operation I’m hoping the nerve pain and Hyperalgesia and Allodynia settle and hope my storey helps someone

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jimmy and warm welcome to our community

So good of you to share your story! I'm sure you success story for the Fibromyalgia will help people. Thanks for that.

You have made inroads into moving forward with your life, such an inspiration for many. It's not easy living with pain on a daily basis is it?

Coffee has a lot to answer for. I too love it. Have yet to cut it completely out of my diet. Generally have 1 cup a day now, used to have up to 5 or 6.

Do you do any relaxation, medication or grounding too?

Again thanks for sharing.

Kind regards
