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Beyond The Lie

Community Member

As I sit here at the ripe age of 28.. I feel like i have some thinking to do. I am unsure if I have a problem with lying..

Strike that, I think I have a problem with lying.. On occasions that never need a lie... to people I never need to lie to. But yet out it comes from my mouth without me even thinking. I'll give you an example...

'Have you seen this' .... 'Yeah!' <- LIE .. So unnecessary. Why do i do this? I orignially thought it was to impress people because I may not be good enough but then it happens in places I don't need to lie, especially after a drink.. I understand people tell fibs every now and again, but I can sometimes really have to think about my answer.. to not lie.. because sometimes telling a lie is easier than the truth to me, even if the answer doesn't matter.

This is my first time doing or writing about something like this, as I am unsure where to go with this problem or whether it is something I need to talk to a Doctor about or something that I can just stop.. because I feel I will lose people close to me because I'll lose their trust and relationships will break down for no other reason than I think telling them the answer they want to hear is any better than the actual answer I have?

Any / All help or information or just a simple reply would I'm sure make me feel better about this situation..

Just to clarify my lies are never malicious or to hurt/offend others, if anything it is the complete opposite, and from my friends they agree I can sometimes be brutally honesty?

Thanks in advance.. Writing this down just makes me feel a little better about things.


1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Beyondthelies,

I don't know if you've heard the saying "The truth will set you free" or not, but if you haven't, then that what it says is what it means; if you don't lie, then you don't have to remember what you said, and therefore are in fact 'free' to be completely yourself.

And you are the only one in this whole wide world who is qualified to BE you!

I too used to tell lies when the truth would do. And I think, in my case, it was I was worried that people would think I was too boring or too 'straight'. ..... I lied also because I was forever comparing myself ..... my insides, to everybody else's outsides .... and I always came of second best. But I was my own worst enemy in doing that.

I didn't stop lying overnight, but I did start telling the truth little bit by little bit ..... and now, well, yeah, I'm free to be completely myself.

You've probably guessed by my username that I am now a sober person .... which means I was once a drunk. so yeah, most, if not all, of my lying happened in relation to my drinking. Alcohol changed me as a person and made me become someone that even I didn't like any more.

I'm not saying that alcohol is your problem, but maybe it's a contributing factor?

Whatever the case may be, perhaps it may be worth looking at whatever the payoff is in telling lies, and whether or not the thought of letting go of the payoff may appear to be 'worse' or harder to let go of than the lying itself.

Anyway, I hope at least some of that helps and makes a little bit of sense.

Take care. Let me know what you think, or if you have any other questions. xo