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Pinned discussions

Sophie_M Meet your community champions!
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Be... View more

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Beyond Blue Forums who: have the time, skills and empathy to support other members regularly; help to welcome new members; are actively engaged members that help set the tone of our community. Our Community Champions are regular contributors to many conversations across the forums. They are a consistent and friendly voice that have committed to sharing their experience and expertise with this community. They are not health care professionals or clinicians. Like you, they have an experience with a mental health challenge or diagnosis – either for themselves or someone they care for. This forum is for people who understand what it feels like and have a lived and living experience of mental health challenges. Our Community Champions help everyone feel comfortable and confident by demonstrating what excellent peer support is all about. Click here to find out more about how you can become a Community Champion! This incredible team are excited to introduce themselves below, and we are sure you’ll see them around the forums in conversations important to you.

Aaronsis HELP..Am I posting in the right section?
  • replies: 10

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried th... View more

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried that they are posting "the wrong thing". 1.A good title makes the difference Just like a headline in a newspaper, when scanning the dozens of threads to click into, it’s only natural that people will choose the ones that resonate with them most. A title that entices the reader, or asks a question, is likely to get a better result than something non-descriptive like “Depression” or “I don't know what to do”. If you think you’re not good at choosing titles, leave it till last. Spend time writing your post, then perhaps choose a sentence from what you’ve written as the title. 2.Join in threads that have already been posted We all have our own unique stories, but part of the reason for joining a forum like this one is because you know that you will have a lot in common with others who are posting. Before starting a new thread, have a look through the current topics being discussed and see if there’s a conversation you can join in with. It can be quite common to have a handful of very similar threads happening at any one time, with members seemingly unaware that there are others right there who are going through the same thing. Talking to other members on their threads is a great way of getting yourself known so that when you post a thread of your own, people may respond quicker because they recognize your name. 3.Choose the most appropriate section for your post Many people browse the forums looking for stories specifically to do with pregnancy and parenting, employment, grief, loss, separation etc. Going straight for the “Depression” section may seem like the easiest option, but this section is often the busiest, so your post is more likely to get lost among the threads. Making good use of the different forum sections not only helps keep the forum relevant, but you’re more likely to find others who are going through the same experiences as you. Also, if you're wanting to discuss issues of trauma, abuse, suicidal thoughts or self-harm, it's really important you post in the designated section to avoid triggering others who may not wish to read about these topics. Mostly..just come and chat, we are here for you. Our amazing wizards in the background will see your message ends up in the right spot. Sarah

All discussions

FlyingWhale79 Introducing myself.
  • replies: 1

Hi, I'm John and 31 years of age. Had several mistakes in the past and always thinking of them right now. I really want to move on from this. I haven't been reaching out to anyone but I think now is the right time.I have voices in my head that drags ... View more

Hi, I'm John and 31 years of age. Had several mistakes in the past and always thinking of them right now. I really want to move on from this. I haven't been reaching out to anyone but I think now is the right time.I have voices in my head that drags me down everyday since they appeared. I listen to music but it feels like the voices don't like the music I am listening to. They can be mean to me most of the time. They always telling me to become a priest. That thing dreads me the most. I am writing so I can have a different perspective on this. If anyone is suffering like me please reach out. Thanks, John.

Frogmore Job search avoidance
  • replies: 4

hi I need to look for a job but am avoiding starting the process. I could not work as a registered nurse due to depression so I resigned 4 years ago.l have been supported financially by my husband and focusing on caring for my teenage daughters (17 &... View more

hi I need to look for a job but am avoiding starting the process. I could not work as a registered nurse due to depression so I resigned 4 years ago.l have been supported financially by my husband and focusing on caring for my teenage daughters (17 & 18 years old) getting them through school & looking after household ,my husband is pressuring me to get a job but just the thought of starting to look is a daunting task with depression & having been out of the workforce for so long , I am 55 ,just wondering if anyone has been through similar situation or any tips to motivate me to start the process,job searching agencies for people with depression sound beneficial but I’m not eligible for job seeker & therefore unable to get assistance from them , I’m not sure what sort of jobs I’m suited to but maybe with my nursing background I could look for work in a Carer role , or a job suited to someone with depression, any suggestions? Kind regards

Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 68

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. Another good entry point is the social threads in the BB Social Zone. It's a great way to get to know other members and chat away from the heavier discussions. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post below and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

ODAT New to forum
  • replies: 2

Hi, Im just checking this out for the first time.

Hi, Im just checking this out for the first time.

daniblue Gaslighting friends
  • replies: 5

I have female that causes so much trouble and blames everything on me. Then when confront her she’s always sick but doesn’t say what is wrong with her. Again last night, sent message to my hubby wishing happy birthday but he revecived one. She saying... View more

I have female that causes so much trouble and blames everything on me. Then when confront her she’s always sick but doesn’t say what is wrong with her. Again last night, sent message to my hubby wishing happy birthday but he revecived one. She saying she did both check both of our phones nothing. My hubby didn’t enjoy he’s birthday with no friends. Now this friends so bad it doing my metal heath

Werty678- 64 YO Mother of 4 grown boys
  • replies: 1

I am struggling to do any daily activities. I feel like I am stuck in this do nothing mode . I wake up but would prefer to stay asleep . I get up and then dread the next hours until I go to sleep again. I get up again and then watch tv until time for... View more

I am struggling to do any daily activities. I feel like I am stuck in this do nothing mode . I wake up but would prefer to stay asleep . I get up and then dread the next hours until I go to sleep again. I get up again and then watch tv until time for bed again. Please help me get out of this rut.

Hopefull7 Introducing myself
  • replies: 9

I have had major depression since I was 16. It started with mild short anxiety attacks, then social anxiety and lack of motivation to do things and talk to people in social settings. I have overcome many of my problems with social anxiety. I did this... View more

I have had major depression since I was 16. It started with mild short anxiety attacks, then social anxiety and lack of motivation to do things and talk to people in social settings. I have overcome many of my problems with social anxiety. I did this by having to do things at work and by getting a cute friendly dog that people were not afraid to say hello to when I was walking her. I also have to be careful not to become overly stressed and lose sleep. This can cause a major depressive episode and require hospitalisation. Anyway I am hoping to find some interesting discussion and my experiences may help someone else.

Johnny_ Help re: particular physical symptoms of depression .
  • replies: 4

Hello everyone, I look through the forums but couldn’t find anything. I know this is a long shot but I thought I’d ask the question anyways. I don’t feel like I have severe depression as I still have the want to do things and enjoy the things I can a... View more

Hello everyone, I look through the forums but couldn’t find anything. I know this is a long shot but I thought I’d ask the question anyways. I don’t feel like I have severe depression as I still have the want to do things and enjoy the things I can actually do. I do believe I have mild anxiety though but I just don’t t know. My psychiatrist/ psychologist just aren’t certain. What’s been happening is when I go out to the shops, I’m ok for a 30/60min then I get my usual anxiety symptoms (muscle tension/light headedness/tiredness/muscle aches) before I leave head to the car and relax. Sometimes I break down in tears briefly then feel good. Other times imgood in 10min but the muscles aches stay just not as bad. Also, it’s happening when I do any physical activity (cables workout at the gym/wash my car/ 30min walk / swim etc) the same thing happens. Outside of this I’m generally ok and only deal with light muscle ache’s which come and go. It’s a quiet life atm but things were way worse, my head was all over the place etc but my head is good now apart from what I’ve said. does anyone else get these kind of symptoms is my question? Thankyou in advance.

Dee2024 Intro
  • replies: 8

Hi everyone I've just joined this community and I'm hoping to get some feedback on practical issues that cause me acute anxiety, particularly around family.Because I have self isolated for the last 3 years I am finding it hard to communicate through ... View more

Hi everyone I've just joined this community and I'm hoping to get some feedback on practical issues that cause me acute anxiety, particularly around family.Because I have self isolated for the last 3 years I am finding it hard to communicate through normal channels and hope that this online forum will be helpful.I'm happy to provide comments where I can.I thought I posted already but as it's been a couple of days and I can't see the post I'm trying again.Wishing you all the best and looking forward to connecting.Cheers Dee

DidYouEverDoubtMe Just popping in to say hi :)
  • replies: 5

Looking to bring my life experience and generally helpful attitude to the forums in the hope that it might be of value to someone, where appropriate. Long-time sufferer of major depressive disorder however have managed to make much progress over the ... View more

Looking to bring my life experience and generally helpful attitude to the forums in the hope that it might be of value to someone, where appropriate. Long-time sufferer of major depressive disorder however have managed to make much progress over the years with perseverance from me and the health professionals supporting me. I've found understanding it helps a lot too and am so thankful for websites such as Beyond Blue, Black Dog Institute, etc that provide such important information on mental health. Looking forward to giving back to the community and just chatting about life and our experiences along the way.Thanks, DidYouEverDoubtMe (or Dyedm for short )