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Asexual,depressed anxious Parkinsons suffer

Community Member

hello everyone I am keeping up a brave face my life is less fun than before neurological disorder really changed my life 

Friends and kind people who are interacting with me really do help alot

I  am  bladder incontinent  

I am wearing nappies for incontinence so l can share advice on products that I have worn over the decades 

I love to hear from people that have overcome similar challenges 

2 Replies 2

Community Member

I was a carer for my mum who (God bless her soul) Battled  Elziemers then a crippling stroke .Seeing mum's demise . Made my GP refer me to a psychologist.

The referral cited Carers Sindrome Depression /Anxiety,OCD. 

The Quality of my Life ,improved 100%

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello 60Incon_,


Warm welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear about your health challenges.


I really admire your courage and vulnerability in sharing what you are going through. You have come to the right place, this forum is a very safe place to chat without any judgement.


Happy to hear you have friends who support you in this tough journey.


Please don't feel alone, we are all here to listen and support you in whatever little way we can. There is always hope that things can get better.


Take care...