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Private rehab for depression and/or any addiction

Community Member

I’m about to go in to private rehab for depression with of course other underlying causes. I’ve been struggling to find a financially viable option and just found one. 
if anyone has been thinking about this please reach out 

1 Reply 1


Hi Sash,

Thanks for posting today. We're sorry to hear how tough it has been trying to find suitable private rehabilitation. We hope that the community here can offer some support and advice during this difficult time.


We wanted to reach out and let you know that our counsellors are here to help you if you’d like to talk. We are posting this public reply as a gentle reminder to the community that if you would like to help others with information or advice about a service, please do so in a general way (eg: without naming specific services or clinics).


If you need help, you can reach us through online chat at https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support.


Once again thank you for posting here today. It can take a little time for the community to spot your post, so please do not hesitate to reach out in the meantime if needed.

Kind regards,
Sophie M