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anxiety disorder - reassurance needed

Community Member

hi, I'm currently experiencing a serious bout of anxiety and struggling with keeping it together.  I have had to take unpaid leave from work and am starting to take anti depressants. I have a good medical team helping me but I feel like I'm getting worse than better. I'm also needing to care for my three children and keep my mental health issues a secret from them. It is exhausting. I'm seeking reassurance that I will get better, that the medication will work and that I'll get back to 100%. I have taken these anti depressants in the past and they did eventually work, but I'm worried they won't work this time and I'll be like this forever. Any support would be very helpful!

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Dear guest_87433310,

What a horrible experience you are going through. I feel empathy for you.

 I believe your anxiety might be at play “mirror ball gazing ” that the medication won’t work and you will be stuck like this forever.

You mentioned that you have taken medication before and that helped. So there is something (fact) to hold onto that it can help you again this time. Not to mention you said you have a good medical team helping you. Small steps at a time is all you need to take. Trying to go from A to Z overnight just isn’t realistic. Medication, therapy and self love and care together are a great team.

You also stated the greatest reason to strive for better health everyday. Your children. I have no doubt your love for them will be a massive motivation to keep making those small steps that eventually make huge leaps.

But please don’t put too much pressure on yourself everyday. Find a balance. If one day is a goodday,yeah! But if the next day isn’t as great as the day before, it doesn’t make any of your hard work void. You are just having a rough day,that day.

Please praise yourself for all the good things you are doing everyday and not scolding yourself for everything you haven’t done today.

I am cheering for you.


Community Champion
Community Champion



Welcome to the forums. I really feel bad to hear what you are going through, it's not a great feeling to have day in and day out. I know it seems hard right now but as you mentioned you have overcome these challenges before and you will do it now too. Happy to hear you have a good professional support system that's helping you.

If you don't mind me asking, do you have any family/friends who is there to support you?


Being a parent is a full-time, thankless job - but it's the greatest gift and the best job in the world as you know. I have two kids and completely understand how demanding it can be sometimes. I also 100% understand how you don't want your kids to see your vulnerability and show them how strong you are.  There's a term called "Parent Burnout" which we all go through as parents.

I am not sure how old your kids are but sometimes it is important to be clear about your needs. By watching and listening to you, they will learn the importance of self-care and respect your need for space. We always tend to put ourselves last, but as they say "we have to put our oxygen mask first before we can be of any use to our children or others."


Please try and focus on the present moment, you have made it through hard times before, these anxious feelings won't last forever. Also, don't forget to show yourself the same kindness and care you show your children or anyone you care about. Take one small step at a time and be proud of that.


You can try and join support groups in your community too, also definitely practice self-care without any guilt and make time for activities that will help you relax and recharge. This will not only benefit you but will also be a great gift to your children.


Please feel free to reach out if you feel like chatting more, we are all here to help you.

Take care...
