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Weight gain a side effect of a certain antidepressant. Anyone else experienced this ?

Community Member

Hi, Im new to this forum so I am not sure if this topic has been covered but I am just looking for some reassurance from others who have gone through similar.  I started taking AD's 3 years ago for anxiety after the birth of my 2nd child.  The stresses and pressure of motherhood was exhausting and i'd have panic attacks doing everyday things.  With a fifo partner being away a lot of the time, it all just got too much and i wasn't coping too well. 

Before I started taking AD's, i was at a healthy weight. 

3 years on,  I have regained control of my anxiety and I am enjoying motherhood and life couldnt be better.  I am thankful for the certain medication I was on, it was a godsend to me and my family during the difficult time in my life.  However, one of the listed side effects is weight gain.  In 3 years I have gained a whopping 25 kilo's and I believe this medication is a huge reason for my gain.   I have remained a healthy eater, and exercise excessively at the gym, however the numbers on the scales have continued to increase, causing me to feel defeated and disappointed as my efforts are just not working.  I feel like myself in a "Strangers" body.   I've never had a problem loosing weight in the past.

I have expressed my concern with my doctor and he agree's the meds could be a reason for this as they effect your metabolism.  Over the last 3 months I have tapered off the meds and now I am completely off them.  Its been a few weeks, and still had no results on the scales even though I could not be stricter on my diet or physical activity even if I tried. 

Just wondering if any one else out there has experienced this side effect, and if you are now off the meds, how long it took for you to drop the weight ?   Was it suddenly or did It take a while to lose ?   Im getting married in 6 months and starting to get a little desperate !   


8 Replies 8

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Dani Girl,

Welcome to Beyond Blue and thanks for your post. Firstly, congratulations on getting married soon, I hope it is a wonderful time for you.

I am wondering if you need to ask your Dr. for a full medical check. I am certainly no expert, but if you are doing so much to try to loose weight, there might be another underlying condition.

Years ago I had an underactive thyroid diagnosis and that was causing me to put on weight. Not saying this is the case for you, but a few tests might not go astray. Maybe even an opinion from a different Dr might be beneficial.

I too put on weight through anti depressant medication, about 1o kilos in 10 weeks. I have also had the opposite happen, where I lost 10 kilos in about the same amount of time.

As you are exercising and trying to diet, I really do recommend a few tests be done. Have you had a chat to the people at the gym regarding your weight? They may be able to suggest something.

There may be some herbal remedy that could help boost your metabolism as well, ask your Dr about this as well, or the chemist.

Trying to loose weight after pregnancy can take a lot of time for some women as well.

I hope some of this has been of some help to you.

Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools, or Lauren


Community Member

I put on a fair bit of weight when I was on ADs, and I've never gotten back to my original weight.

Just a thought, you say you spend a lot of time at the gym? You do know that muscle weight more then fat, right?


Community Member
Chibam said:

You do know that muscle weight more then fat, right? 


*sorry. I meant to say "muscle weighs more then fat".

Hi Doolhof

Thanks for your reply

Yes i think its time to get a 2nd opinion from another doctor.

I did have my thyroid checked about 6 months ago and it all came back clear.

Maybe its something else. I do suffer from chronic back pain around my kidney area and lower back so ill get that checked again too. MRI scan about 2 years ago only showed up a little bit of arthritis in lower back but thats all.  I don't know, but I have a gut feeling something bigger is going on.  Yes, time for a 2nd opinion I think.  

My doctor must think Im a hypochondriac !   Im always going in there for some kind of problem !  

Thanks again for your advice !  

Community Member


Yeah muscle does weigh more than fat.  I always try to remind myself of this when i don't lose weight.  

Maybe i might need to mix my routine up a little more.   I tend to stick to high intensity cardio workouts, like spin.  

Thanks for your reply.

Hi Dani girl,

I recently started taking AD's and they have been helped me so much and because I have a history of eating disorders and suffer body dysphorphia, I was fortunate that my Doctor understood that weight gain as a side effect was not an option. He prescribed me an AD that doesn't put on weight and it means I will take them. Your concerns are real and seeking a second opinion can make the difference for your peace of mind especially if there are other issues that need investigating. 

Congrats on your up and coming wedding, I hope everything goes beautifully for you 

Hi Dani Girl,

You have received some good feed back here. I hope you are able to see another Dr soon. Don't ever think of yourself as a hypochondriac, I feel it is best to get things checked and rechecked if necessary.

Once you know all of the facts and have satisfactory answers to your questions, then you can make changes if they are needed.

Hopefully you will soon be on the road of weight loss, and if for some reason that takes longer than anticipated, feel beautiful in your own body, love yourself and look forward to your wedding day!

Cheers to you, from Mrs. Dools

Community Member

Hi Dani Girl,

I had put on about 9 kg from AD's, went off them (that was a killer) and then only lost the weight once I stopped eating sugar 31/2 years ago. I read an article that if you stop eating sugar then you can sleep better - important for someone with sleep aponea. Anyhoo, the upshot is that I lost all the weight I had gained and have kept it off since then. And I eat lots of food, just no fructose (rice malt syrup is a godsend replacement).

Good luck