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The Strangest, funniest or embarrasing things that have happened in a therapy session

Community Member

Hi All,

After some persuasion by a fellow poster I thought it might be a good idea to share our stories of " When therapy sessions go Wrong" or are just downright funny and/ or awkward. Surely I cant be the only one that has had these encounters. Mind you I have been in therapy for many years and only recently have found some of these episodes amusing.

So if you have reached that place where you can have a bit of a laugh at yourself or maybe its the therapist who's done something strange please share ,

So I'll start with a couple of mine. Just a couple of small teasers to get the ball rolling

Early in my therapy I was totally embarrassed to share anything , and could only talk if my psych turned his chair around. Now he was only a short fellow and the chair had a high back, so all was good and I started to unload. My psych was quiet and I thought listening intently until I heard the unmistakeable sounds of snoring! Yep my deepest darkest secrets had put my psych to sleep! UMM had a lot of explaining and grovelling to do.

Another time I became so paranoid that my secrets were going to be discovered by people that worked in the medical offices -other docs, receptionists etc so during one session I grabbed his paper and pen and refused to let him write any notes of our session! Of course I didn't think till after I went that of course he would write after I left - probably best I don't know what he wrote after that session!

So that's it , if you have some stories I'm sure others would love to hear the lighter side of therapy .

Take Care


127 Replies 127

Hey Ellie,

Love your work ! Looks like Quercus and I have found a kindred spirit !

Please drop by the Circle in the Staying Well forum, where we get together with some other friends just to relax , chat if u want and eat - lots of eating.

Sometimes, dancing 💃🏿 and chanting depending on the moon 🌙



Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Ellie 😊

Nice to meet you and its always awesome to hear we're not alone in the disaster zone called the therapist's room!

Well Croix I think you might have a point. I'm pretty sure I make these embarrassing things happen purposefully to try work out a way to voice a problem. So throw it at the psychiatrist uncensored to freak him out then sort my brain and find a nicer way to communicate. Tonight is a prime example...

Me: I hate man flu.

Psych: why?

Me: Because it's BS. Oh poor me I went to work with my lunch made for me... Came home to kids asleep, house clean, dinner on the table, not a finger to lift but heaven forbid I bother to give you a compliment or a hug or a kiss because I HAVE MAN FLU AND AM DYING!!

Psych: Well from what you said earlier you're aware you're overreacting.

Me: Well of course...yes. That's why I haven't said anything. Cos its pretty horrible to say hubby you're tired and sick and work hard...but I'm irritated at you because I'm not getting enough...

Psych: enough?

Me: sex. It's been a week for goodness sake. Just take some cold and flu already and take one for the team!!

Psych: I see...

Me: stupid man flu.

Dear Foxy Lady

I bet your psych hopes you never find a cause to leave him. You must brighten his day with just the thought that you are going to make him chuckle. It certainly works here. Having read comments from both you and Stressless I have decided I must be a boring patient. I also think I am unlikely to change so I must get my laughs vicariously. Keep up the good work.


Hey Quercus,

So glad you haven't gone easy on your psych- got to keep them on their toes . I have my apt today, maybe my last for a while- so many things I want to say and ask , now so little time.

I will probably just be a blubbering mess- pretty sure though some of my session will end up here on the X Files.

Have a good one


**Velvet snort ** @ Quercus

Your so funny and I totally understand where you're coming from!!!


Hi Mary and Stressless and Velvet 😊

Thanks for your reassurance that having foot in mouth disease can still be ok.

Stressless I suppose as long as you don't get half strangled by a scarf or vomit on him or land in a compromising position just as dragon lady receptionist opens the door it will be ok 😊.

Ha thanks for that

No scarves, haven't eaten, no to hugging think I've got it covered

30 minutes to lift off 😩

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
OMG I'm doing a velvet snort too @ Quercus. It reminded me of Deborah from "Everybody loves Raymond", although she is happy not to have any...

Community Member


i love that show....

I had nothing funny happen at my session this week only after.... ran for the train and just made it... picture Indiana Jones style throwing self through the doors!!!


Well it's been a while but the curse is back. The psychiatrist was talking about something I found awkward...

Me: I don't want to talk about this.

Psych: Maybe we should examine why this topic is difficult for you.

Me: (tries to change the subject)

Psych: you realise you keep changing the subject.

Me: well yes because I feel sick. Like sick. Like I want to leave the room and not come back.

Psych: then you see we need to look at this.

Me: or I could just go with my gut and tell you to Just. Stop. Talking.

Psych: hmm.

Me: or Please. Shut. Up.

Me: but that's pretty rude so I won't.

Arrrgh. Seriously. Cursed. Plus I dropped the C bomb again. Far out what is wrong with me.