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The Strangest, funniest or embarrasing things that have happened in a therapy session
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Hi All,
After some persuasion by a fellow poster I thought it might be a good idea to share our stories of " When therapy sessions go Wrong" or are just downright funny and/ or awkward. Surely I cant be the only one that has had these encounters. Mind you I have been in therapy for many years and only recently have found some of these episodes amusing.
So if you have reached that place where you can have a bit of a laugh at yourself or maybe its the therapist who's done something strange please share ,
So I'll start with a couple of mine. Just a couple of small teasers to get the ball rolling
Early in my therapy I was totally embarrassed to share anything , and could only talk if my psych turned his chair around. Now he was only a short fellow and the chair had a high back, so all was good and I started to unload. My psych was quiet and I thought listening intently until I heard the unmistakeable sounds of snoring! Yep my deepest darkest secrets had put my psych to sleep! UMM had a lot of explaining and grovelling to do.
Another time I became so paranoid that my secrets were going to be discovered by people that worked in the medical offices -other docs, receptionists etc so during one session I grabbed his paper and pen and refused to let him write any notes of our session! Of course I didn't think till after I went that of course he would write after I left - probably best I don't know what he wrote after that session!
So that's it , if you have some stories I'm sure others would love to hear the lighter side of therapy .
Take Care
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I do try. I am moody 😄
I am very particular with who I socialise with. I don't do cliques.
I have had interesting meetings at work = not therapy per se but stuff in the past about my mental health. I got told to leave it at the gate when I came to work by an old manager in a big formal meeting. So I said to her "no problems, only if you leave your pregnancy, morning sickness and sore back at the gate too !"
Needless to say she backed off with the bullying. 😄
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Hey Velv,
Love that! Put's in all in context doesn't it!
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OH mate shes VERY nice to me these days.
Shes had a history of depression which absolutely infuriated me! Hypocrite.
Plus I suggested we tell the lady with insulin dependant diabetes to leave that at the gate too!
I am not a fading violet.
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Hey velvetfaerie
You are officially my hero of the day!
way to go ! So proud of you for standing up to ignorance in the workplace. Who needs cliques? Only those who are afraid to be individual and stand up for what they believe
I am raising my virtual glass to you in a toast to your awesomeness
Take Care
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Well here goes...
Embarrassing moment number 3 in psychotherapy. Trying to find words for an inability to achieve the big O on meds. What the hell is socially acceptable?
Red as a beetroot even though psych asked the question about side effects and I didn't have to raise it.
I stumbled. Ummm... Since the new meds...When we're in bed....I can't seem to....Umm. Get there?
Silence. Deafening silence.
Is that normal?
Psych answers that apparently it can be a side effect. Should wear off as I get used to meds. Or we'll look at another med. Then he asks me how my anger and frustration has been going!!! I mean really?!
And then the foot in mouth began again. Well it's been terrible of course. I've been screeching like a banshee. No brainer really. I've lost my best form of stress relief and CAN'T GET OFF not for lack of trying so of course I'm bloody frustrated and angry!!!
And yes. I did raise my voice.
More deathly silence. And a polite cough. Well yes then we'll review that in a few weeks than shall we.
Oh bloody stuff me. I am a nightmare.
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OH stuff off I think you're AWESOME! 😄
(Psst - toy box) 😉 ***AHEM!**
I just posted this in the bipolar group. I just had my first session with a new psych.
She asks: "Are you ever still, resting, doing nothing, with quiet thoughts in your mind?" or words to that affect....
No. Never. EVER EVER EVER.... The ONLY time that happens is when I am under anaesthetic. NOT EVEN when I sleep.
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Ah Velvetfaerie you're great you know that right 😊
What did she say to THAT?! Thanks I don't feel so alone when others have random responses to psychs too!
And yes hubby had the same thought as you... thank heavens for that!
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**raises hand** Hi my name is Velv...... and I am a pervert.
Lets just say - mum would not want to look in my childhood toy box these days HAHAHAHHAH!
Ah I love psychs. I like making them raise their eyebrows at me when I give unexpected replies. HEHE.
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Hi Quercus
so funny sorry but I could see it all in my mind at least yours is a little funny mine is just plain embarrassing
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Take Care
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Hi Velvetfaerie,
Love it and I love your attitude .
Im sure your sessions are never dull
Take Care