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Side effect of meds help

Community Member

Hi everyone.

I recently started on meds for my anxiety and was wondering how long the side effects last for? The one side effect I have is feeling sick, if I take my meds then try to eat I can't cause I feel sick have only been taking them 2 days. 

Please help how can I get past this faster then normal. I hate this feeling.

6 Replies 6

Vegetarian Marshmallow
Community Member
Well, it varies by the person, particular medication, dosage.  I didn't have any nausea at all, for instance, when I was on an SSRI.  But I did feel light-headed, which seemed to go away after about 2 weeks.  Also, my libido and -ahem- related anatomical function was non-existent for the entire time I was on them, and until a couple weeks after cessation.

Have you told your doctor?  When I started, mine briefed me on possible side-effects beforehand and said "If anything comes up, let me know and we can try do something about it".  I didn't end up taking him up on that 'cause the light-headedness wasn't that bad and I didn't notice the sexual thing for a while and then felt embarrassed.  So there might be something they can do.

Community Member
Be patient many meds have side effects most of which cease after a couple of weeks. If you have ongoing problems see your GP. I assume he/she has started you on the lowest dose as that is usually the case so just let some time pass because the long term benefits may far outweigh the short term discomforts - Unfortunately there is no fast track. Sorry. Good luck. Philip.

Libido and related anatomical function - Been there

Community Member


I haven't discussed with GP yet as she was not on today will be going back to her tomorrow as i have been on an anti depressant before and it worked for me, so I am going to see if she will put back on that one, as I can't take this sick feeling anymore, within half hour of taking my meds I threw up, which in then tailed all the food I ate as well now I feel really sick it is stopping me from eating which is is making  me have no energy so I feel tired. 

I know I'm in for a roller coaster ride but I need help in trying to get threw it without it interfering with my family.

i just wish there was people out there that would talk to me regularly as people on here know what I'm going through and it's so much easier talking to someone who knows how u feel.

Community Member
If you are reacting that way I suggest you take no more. Since you've only been on them for 2 days that won't cause any problems. See your GP as soon as possible and take it from there. If a different antidepressant helped you before then perhaps you should stay with it. Philip.

Community Member


I have now been given new meds to take and have seemed to work straight away has taken a few days for to feel better but they are working, I'm eating again which is good. 

i have side effects on these meds, as i have taken them before, i still feel anxious and depressed but not as bad as what i did, it comes in waves, am hoping it subsides soon though.

now to start my new life with my meds and enjoy my kids.