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Should I go on Meds?

Community Member

This is my first post here or any other forum related to Anxiety so it's all very new to me. I've always been aware of my anxious nature but have managed to get through life ok until recently. Not long after getting married I suddenly experienced a full blown panic attack one night which just came out of the blue. I dealt with the best i could the next few days but felt constantly unsettled and disconnected.

I went to my local GP who knows my history of being anxious at nature and she referred me to a psychologist for further assessment and treatment. In the mean time she gave me a script for some medication to get me through when needed until I could see the psychologist.

So far I have had 6 sessions with my psych and also have enrolled in a group Mindfulness course also run by the same psychologist. I was doing ok with the education with breathing techniques and also being educated on my negative thought process and why i distort things in thinking the worst and catastrophizing everything.

The problem now is I imagine bad things in everyday things such as driving the car i.e the car will break down or I will be in a crash. Taking the train to work, what if I have a panic attack on it? What is my pets or family get sick, how will I cope? I'm now feeling some depression creeping in and am starting to feel like this is all to much for me to handle.

To add the it all my husband and I are starting to try for a family and I know that with my heightened anxiety levels lack of being able to function on days that it will may affect me falling pregnant or even being able to carry a healthy child.

I've had not wanted to try meds and have wanted to deal with it all naturally and through therapy etc but I am starting consider whether it's all becoming a bit too much for me and maybe meds might be the better option for me right now to get me in to a better place. I"m starting to take a few days off work here and there as my anxiety starts to become worse. Something that I feel frustrated with.

Hoping someone be able to give me some guidance with meds and whether they have been on them whilst trying for a baby and also through pregnancy.



4 Replies 4

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Toots, welcome here

Anxiety as with most mental illnesses needs a mix of treating ingredients to enable you to recover. We cannot tell you whether to take medicine of not. Go by your doctors advice.

What I can tell you is that my anxiety that commenced in my childhood peaked at 32yo in a workplace incident. I had therapy for 12 months then changed my job then continued on with meds and muscle tensioning exercises and deep breathing for a further 25 years. That how long it took for my anxiety to drift away to non measurable levels.

Meds are an important aspect in your recovery as is self help like change of living location, getting finances in order and other plans that lower stress. We here able people trying natural methods or dealing with it themselves and frankly....how can anyone think they can battle things like that ? if so doctors who are far more qualified than us would jump on those concepts.

Work closely with your doctor. Have faith in his/her abilities and discuss your fears re: trying for pregnancy.

All the best  Tony WK

Hi, I'm nearly 21 and I've had severe separation anxiety for 16 years now. I can really relate to your story! I've become house bound to the point where I was scared to leave the house. Anxiety can be fear and my fears are very similar. I've never believed in anti depressants or medication for my anxiety and depression. But like you I have tried every possible thing and still struggle to even go down and get groceries. I have just this week gone to my GP and I've decided to go on anti depressants. It was my last option and now I've come to it. If you have tried everything naturally and your still struggling then maybe anti depressants are the way to go. I'm on my second day of taking them but they haven't kicked in yet. But sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do something to make yourself better so you can live your life. If not everyday try right down in a diary 3 positive things that happened in you day. That's helps change your way of thinking. It helped me for a while. Im here if you need a chat 🙂 I can relate a lot to your story. I hope I was helpful. Best of luck, and just remember, your better then it! Don't let it take control xx

Thanks for your advice Tony. I know it's very much a personal decision I have on whether I take meds and the advice from my doctor but it's always nice to put the question out there to fellow sufferers. 

Community Member

Hi Taash33, thanks so much for your reply. I'm sorry you also have to deal with the evil's of anxiety. I'm still avoiding medication at this stage due to my own beliefs on the use of them and also my husband being very much against them also especially with the chance of me falling pregnant. That's not to say that on really bad days when I'm weak and vulnerable I think 'screw it' I'll just take the meds. Then on a good day I feel strong enough to get through it all.

I know it takes hard work to try and change my thinking patterns and accept the bad days. I know I need to think more positive and learn to live in the moment and not be stressed about future events that have me worrying about will not change. The mindfulness course I am attending helps with this but sadly on my bad days I struggle to grasp the techniques I have learnt and all I have learnt becomes so difficult to manage.

 Hope the meds are working for you and you find yourself in a better place soon.