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Running out of antidepressant

Community Member
I don't know if this is allowed to be discussed, but i am currently on an antidepressant (for about 5 ish months) and have run out of refills but i can't book an appointment with my regular gp who prescribed me the meds (she's currently on leave and left me with another gp who i saw once but there's no availability with her either). none of the other gps in the practice i go to are available for quite some time it seems (maybe due to covid??). im not sure what to do since i know the meds im taking have some pretty awful side effects especially if i just stop suddenly. does anyone know what i can possibly do?
5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi blue dots, stopping ads abruptly can be very risky.

U could see another gp or go to the public hospital for a dose

I'd recommend going to any gp, ideally at the same practise but OK if not, and they can give u some in the short term.

This si a hard one because it borders on giving medical advice, it would be really good if there was guidelines about how to answer such questions,to be honest, I don't feel so ethical myself advising one way or the other.


Hello bluedots and Sleepy21,

We’re sorry to hear about your situation bluedots, it must be very stressful to not have your GP available at the moment. We understand the side effects of antidepressants can leave you feeling pretty exhausted and unwell. We think Sleepy21 has given you some great advice to perhaps try another GP or we would suggest even a GP from another clinic for advice. You might also like to get in touch with our Support Service who are here to offer brief support, provide information and advice, and point you in the right direction so you can get the help you need. We’re available 24/7 by phone on 1300 22 4636 or on Webchat 1pm-12am AEDT on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport.

As Sleepy21 has mentioned, we also felt your question bordered on seeking medical advice, however, we chose to publish your post as it does not seek treatment recommendations. Although, the guidelines can be somewhat grey so we understand this decision may not have been made by every moderator. We’d like to note your concerns Sleepy21 and have passed your comments to be reviewed by management.

In our opinion, posts that offer treatment recommendations such as suggesting another medication would be rejected. Unhelpful advice, such as to not speak to a GP about your medication would also be rejected. Strategies on how you can get in touch with a GP, find an available GP or manage any withdrawal symptoms in-between your next GP consultation we think would be very helpful! (Hopefully, you do to bluedots!).

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi blue dots,

Can you even speak to the receptionist at the practice and let them know of your situation….. maybe they could pass the information onto the gp…?

I agree with sleepy see any gp maybe take in an old box of a prescribed antidepressant so the gp can see they have been prescribed to you before.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all, that helps, thank u.

I sometimes don't know where the boundaries are, so I qas trying to think of what I would do.

Like petal, I've gone to a gp with the box, or sometimes a pharmacist can give one days dose if u have the Box.

Similarly, there is a system called safe scripts where pharmacists, drs etc can check when u last had Ur prescription filled for some medication. This is to ensure ppl don't get too much . Depending on the med, the pharm or gp may be able to check online Ur last time filling Ur prescription .

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi bluedots,

Thank you for your question- such an important one, and I'm sorry you've had so much trouble getting in with your GP and other GP's at the clinic.

I have a couple of ideas that you could try:

- Let the clinic receptionists know about what you're after and why it's urgent. They may have a nurse there who can chat to one of the doctors, or let you know about possible cancellations.

- Chat to a different GP. The GP might be able to help, or they can talk to one of the other GP's at the other clinic.

- Have a chat to your pharmacist where you get the script from.

Hope some of this helps! Best of luck,
