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Psychiatrist moved states with no notice

Community Member

As the title states. I’ve been waiting to hear back since she canceled my last appointment back in December (she canceled day of) and the most recent communication was an email notifying me that she was no longer available in my city and that she had moved out of state. What’s more concerning is that she has likely done this to all her patients. I believe I am one of the oldest being out of highschool with many of  her other clients being teens. I’ve been thankful that I’ve started seeing a new psychologist (whom is going on maternity in May but she’s already planning on my move to another while she’s away)


I feel I need to say something to someone about how unethical this move was as we had no communication since her cancellation email in December until her “I’ve moved” email. What do I do?

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hey there, thank you so much for reaching out. I'm sorry to hear that you've had to go through this sudden change. It is good to hear that you've already found a new psychologist, and that this hasn't completely tarnished your experience of working with professionals in general - that's important. 


May I ask, what is it that's most upsetting to you about this situation? Was it the late notice, suddenness of her move, your concern for her other patients, her not providing you with alternative options for similar professionals to transfer to, or something else entirely?


This might be a good place to start if you're wondering what to do next. Whether you feel it's worth a letter to the organisation (if any) that she was a part of, or an email to her directly, or a discussion with your psychologist for support and what to do, it may be based on what upset you the most about her sudden relocation. 


Feel free to continue chatting with us if you'd like, we're here to support you. 


All the best, SB

Hello there!
You can totally feel angry and anxious about being left hanging by your previous psychologist. You can report her to your state's licensing board for unethical behaviour; every therapist should provide continuity of care to a client. In this regard, you may consider notifying any pertinent professional organizations if you feel that another client is at risk. It's wonderful that your new psychologist is contacting you about being care-oriented; keep your eyes on moving forward as you deserve. 💙