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Profanity From a Psychologist?

Community Member

Hi everyone!

At this point I feel like I'm just coming onto Beyond Blue to complain about my counsellor, clearly a sign that I need a change, but it's still something I'd like to get a second opinion on about.

For me I definitely think this puts the nail in the coffin for me. I had already complained about his sense of judgement, lack of emotional reassurance or even just lack of presence in my life even when I'm going through something difficult, but this one kind of took me off-guard and was a totally uncalled for response.

His response to something I'm going through was (exactly these words) "they're bull**** of your own making. no one else thinks that **** but you. just saying!!!". I don't know if I'm overreacting here but this is not really something you want to hear from a psychologist now is it? Not a little bit unprofessional?? Or uncalled for?

Would just like to get some other people's perspective on this.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Alooshk,

Im so sorry your councillor has spoken to you in this way.

Your councillors sounds judgemental I’m really sorry…

Please try to find a caring compassionate councillor who wants to help you become well again.

mocha delight
Community Member
Hi alooshk first I’d like to say: 😱 and second I’ve not heard of or across someone experiencing that but my psychologist she has said to me that basically if the only for me to express my with anything like the relationship between me & my last living grandparent ie my grandmother who’s generally a extremely unpleasant person to be around in the politest terms to to use profanity then do so as she said to me she’s heard absolutely everything and that nothing shocks her anymore.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Alooshk,

I had met one Psychiatrist (but not as a patient of his), who treated me very badly. I didn't know what to do, nor how to make a formal complaint at the time.

I was seeing another who, while not swearing or saying anything obviously inappropriate, his attitude seemed to cross the professional boundaries, in that he talked about himself & his life. Even telling me what movies he likes is inappropriate.

These people are not supposed to disclose any of their personal lives or opinions which are not of a professional nature. That is to protect both themselves & their clients/patients.

The way your (former?) Counsellor is certainly not how I would ever expect my PDr to speak to me under any circumstances.

)Mind, I think I'd burst out laughing with surprise if he did - but that's probably just me.)

If your Counsellor is a member of a professional association you can contact that body & make a formal complaint. There are a number of such associations for Counsellors & Psychotherapists, Psychologists, &, Psychiatrists around Australia. Some are state based, some national. You would need to determine if your (former?) counsellor is a member of one of these.

If He works in a clinic with other health workers, the manager of that practice ought to be able to help.

In any event, I think Counsellors acting like that are rare., so I hope you don't give up on accessing help for your needs. It's hard, & takes a lot of resilience to search for another Counsellor. Might actually also prove to be the best move you make.

Remember, nothing you could say or do is an excuse for that behaviour.


Hi mmMeKitty I actually like how I have in common some things with my psychologist like she has a cat & dog ie so is a pet lover and I have a cat ie the one in my profile pic and that she’s gluten intolerant so slightly in a way she knows in a small way somewhat of what it’s like for me to have coeliac disease. So sometimes we talk about nothing like pets or like what’s happening in the world, some appointments we talk about serious heavy issues and sometimes it’s like half, half. And because of knowing these small personal things about her ie the gluten intolerance & her being a pet lover I found I can relate/click with her so much more and yes they are some personal slight details about her & her personal life but I like her style of mental health despite not being officially diagnosed with anything yet and I like her style of ‘counseling’. In saying all that im not asking about her personal life and that little bit that she does share is not a lot either if that makes sense. I see her at her location that she works from in my local city cbd but her other location that she works from is actually from her home which id personally feeling awkward about that so the other location in the cbd works for me.