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Feel lost with finding a psychologist

Community Member

I've been to 2 therapists, the first was brief and I changed for practical reasons, and the second I went to for a good year or so. It did help significantly in only certain areas, but I still felt that I had major issues that are supposed to be "treatable" which haven't been resolved yet, and I really feel that I need to continue therapy while resolving these issues(anxiety related).

I recently stopped going because he got somewhat condescending over time, and I felt that his views were simply biased in a way that's too different to mine and I started to feel judged and talked down to, so I stopped. I found a psychiatrist, who prescribed me SSRIs and told me to go back to the psychologist.

I decided, that my anxiety isn't absolutely debilitating, and I thought it over and researched it and decided that I haven't gotten to the point of needing SSRIs, yet. So I didn't take the medication, and cancelled all appointments.

I really feel that I need a therapist, because I need it while resolving certain issues, but I am feeling lost. My last psychologist was overall very experienced and skilled, but we were simply not the right match to go forward. So I feel hopeless because I take a look at websites and feel that most therapists will be mediocre.

I've read stories of people going from one mediocre therapist to another hopelessly. I feel there is no solution of finding "therapist reviews" anywhere. Thing is, my anxiety is deeply complicated and other mental issues, a generic therapist that can't handle heavy issues is not going to help me.

I feel trapped and unable to reach out...

5 Replies 5

Community Member
I’m sorry to hear your old psychiatrist was condescending. You are very brave for deciding to find a new psychologist. Until you find the right one I’m sure there is one for everyone. I believe you will get through this. You are brave.
I hope you ding strength.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Carpetenthusiast,

Thanks for reaching out

Have you tried a clinical phycologist? A clinical psychologist can diagnose and a normal psychologist can’t.

I saw a clinical psychologist and also did an 8 week therapy for my severe anxiety.

Was your previous psychologist able to give you helpful strategies?

Community Member
Thanks for replying Justin and Petal, my psychologist was a clinical psychologist and the psychiatrist was technically the third therapist, but I only saw him for one session when he prescribed medication and I cancelled after that because I want to delay medication for now at least.

Hello Carpetenthusiast, I appreciate you deciding not to take medication, but it may allow you to address certain issues that you might not be able to without this medication, that's a choice you need to decide on.

The last psychologist I went to, wasn't for very long, because he insisted that nobody needs to take any medication for anything, not even for a headache and wholly criticised me for all that I was taking, so straight away the connection between us disappeared and I didn't feel comfortable trying to mention a problem I was trying to cope with and left.

If a psychiatrist suggests you take medication but decline, doesn't necessarily mean you stop seeing them, they may be able to prove the difference between not taking it, to the results that may occur if you are taking them.

Best wishes.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Carpetenthusiast,

Thanks for posting it was a very relatable post for me. It is a bit of a process to find the right psychologist and I know it can feel a little disheartening at times. Sometimes the right psychologist is good for a year or so and then you need to change. That's okay though (although I know its frustrating to have to build a new relationship).

I think we have an idea that we find the "one" psychologist that treats us indefinitely. While this can happen it doesn't have to be that way. I have seen 4 different psychologists and they helped me in different ways. Like you, I kind of got put off by a psychologist I had for a while but before that time she did help me get some important insights, so its not wasted time.

I wonder have you considered what kind of therapy you think would work for you? Is there any you are particularly attracted to? E.g. mindfulness, CBT, Acceptance commitment therapy etc. This can help narrow the search to one that is passionate about that form of therapy.

At the moment I am seeing a schema therapist but I am realising I don't think schema therapy really works for me so I'm going to just stop seeing someone for a while.

Another thing to remember is that while a psychologist supports us, there are so many other ways we can help ourselves with anxiety. For me its mindfulness meditation walks. Do you have strategies and things you do that help you? Psychologists can guide us but I felt much more in control when I realised they are one part of a larger part of treatment.

I too did not take SSRIs even though they were offered by a psychiatrist. I think its a very personal decision, they help some people and others are not into it. Either way is okay.

Have you seen this website? https://psychology.org.au/find-a-psychologist

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