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Positive results please...

Community Member
Hi I'm a 28 yo mother of two and have recently been diagnosed with anxiety (mostly health anxiety) ocd I've had panic attacks and now I have depression. I've spent hours searching and reading other people's posts about treatments to find mixed mostly not so good results. So please can people tell me there positive results with medication and anti depressants and how they overcome their issues? I'm meeting with the doctor tomorrow to start some medication and have my second app with health care nurse next week
3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear KMTE~

I've read your other main thread at:


and so am not going to try to duplicate what's happening there. Instead I'll try to say couple of things about positive results. You do seem a little down about prospects at the moment.

First off you can use me as an example of getting quite good results from a massive problem. I was invalided out of my occupation with PTSD, anxiety and bouts of depression. Was suicidal on occasions, hospitalized and in a very poor condition. My problems were compounded by persevering for a long time still in the job with ineffective treatment. I improved due to meds, therapy and family support and am now pretty good, with occupation, achievement, self worth and love. Not cured but good.

Secondly by reading those here you are looking at what might be called an unrepresentative sample. People come to this Forum when ill and for a lot the problems are long-standing and complex. Also for many the reasons they became ill are still present.

In any case while beyondblue does attract a massive number of viewers, only some post so I don't think you can draw any conclusions here about the general population's recovery rates.

As an aside one of the downsides Community Champions and others who respond to posters face is that more often than not we never know outcomes as posts simply stop. If one does not take a very realistic view this could become quite discouraging.

I hope this can give you a more balanced view of things, there is plenty of hope after all.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

KMTE that is the problem when your starting a course of medication for anxiety, depression they take time to start working. Then its finding the right one for you and fine tuning the correct dose we are all different. Then after all of that there are the side effects, for each one of us either we get no side effects or we get all the bad ones depending on the individual. It's not cut and dry for any of us.


Community Member
Thanks for your responses