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Need some encouragement
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Hi all. I’m a newbie to the forum so apologies if I do anything wrong.
A while back I had a bit of depression and was treated using medication. It didn’t seem to be an issue starting the meds back then and took it for a number of year with limited side effects.
i decided to ween off successfully last year. Little did I know that that after a health scare this year I would develop health anxiety.
the doc has represcribed the meds but really struggling with the initial extra anxiety. The doc really wants me to persist. And I do feel small fleeting moments of improvement. But for the most part I cannot sit still and have restless nights. It has been pretty horrible at times.
I trust my gp and my partner is also encouraging me to continue.
any tips to push through would be appreciated.
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Dear TheDuke~
Welcome here, and you have done absolutely nothing wrong, no worries. In fact coming here and seeing how others handle similar matters is pretty sensible.
Many people feel so good on their meds that after a while they decide to go off them. Some are lucky and they don't need them again, unfortunately many find that they do. Then there is the long process of re-acclimatizing before they settle down.
I think you are doing the right thing in keeping contact with your doctor during this process and wise to be guided by the opinion you should keep on going. It does not sound at all pleasant. While this is happening it might help to have a few strategies to keep you going.
I've found when anxiety has really hit that exercise of some sort helps. I go for a walk, which gets me out and maybe even talking to others. I go with my partner and the dog, which is always a topic of conversation. I try to bury myself in books and movies and if things just get too bad I use a free smartphone app called Smiling Mind. This takes practice but does lift the mind out of an anxious spiral.
I'm very glad you have a supportive partner, I do too and it makes a great difference to have someone who cares and is here for you.
I'd suggest you have a look at
It is long but has a great many tips people have found useful
It can seem a long time until things settle down, still there is an end, so please hang in there
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Thank you for your reply
I am really struggling to see it through.
The extra initial anxiety from the medication is unbearable for me and i am on the phone to support people regularly, and constantly debating whether to go to the ED.
I don't know whether to stick it out and if so for how long.
The doc also prescribed a benzo to take the edge off in the short term and help sleep. It helps to an extent.
I did sleep last night, have managed to go for a bike ride and a swim, but still just feel constantly restless in between.
Is it ok to stop taking an SSRI after only trying 4 days?
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Hello TheDuke,
it sounds like you're really struggling with that extra anxiety.
I would probably caution against stopping it after 4 days unless you have been given the okay by your doctor.
As Croix mentioned above, the doctor is your best point of call for all things medication-related.
These medications change the chemical balance in our systems to a new balance. While they are in flux, you feel really terrible. You want it to settle as fast as possible, and that is by maintaining the prescribed dosage. By skipping a day, or two, or just stopping it entirely, your body gets confused again and has to find a new equilibrium.
If you are really struggling, the doctor will know of alternatives that you could think about going on and be able to wean you off these correctly to minimise the side effects of coming off them.
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Dear TheDuke~
I'd have to agree with James, stopping, even for a day or so, under your own say-so without discussing it wiht your doctor is not a good idea. Have you told you doctor how bad it is? It is not a question of just forcing something on you blindly, if there seems to be too large a reaction I'd expect, like James, that something could be done.
The practical things you are doing, the ride and the swim, do seem to have some effect and are things you can keep on doing.
Hopefully things will settle down quickly. When in the middle of all this is is easy to loose sight of the long term goal, to lead a more settled and happier life.
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I’m having a really bad one today typing away on here a heap.
i just need to get out what is going through my head. I have called different support lines over the last few days but don’t want to hold them up just so I can vent out.
I’m going to my doc again today (bless him). I need to let him know how hard this has become and I need alternative s.
this feeling that many of us share is just so awful. Hard to explain if you haven’t experienced it. I can’t sit still but I also don’t feel like doing anything. I’m scared and I’m losing the optimism that I initially had regarding my treatment plan.
I know I need to be patient. But patience for someone with acute anxiety is impossible.
And now I am getting a nice fat dose of guilt. Consantly seeking reassurance from friends, family, doctors, help services and even here. I need reassurance several times a day. It’s a lot to ask but it my only way of coping after a point.
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Dear TheDuke~
There is absolutely no need to feel guilty for needing reassurance, it is a symptom of the illness, the same as the shivers for malaria. It does get better. You can't judge you current state and needs by everyday standards, it's unfair and misleading.
Do you mind if I ask how you got on with your doc?
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Spoke to my doc and we have decided to stop the meds.
it was just a bit too much for me. I understand the need to be careful when discussing meds. They are so useful for so many people. In fact I successfully used the one in question for previous depression for some time. However with my current condition it wasn’t quite right.
We are going to reassess at a later date.
My current plan is more holistic. Putting out all the worry fires and then recharging energy.
i am taking extended time off work - work stress fire out.
I have confirmed I can get income Protection Insurance. Finance fire out.
Now the important and hard bit. Just lying in bed waiting to get better. Probably not gonna gonna work.
so need to use every day wisely for me and my health. Am writing a list of things I can do.
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Dear TheDuke~
Sounds a pretty good result, a very sensible approach.
So what is on your list you can look forward to and enjoy?