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My experience with online CBT

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I'd just like to share my experience with an online course I did for my anxiety (GAD). I couldn't recommend this course highly enough so I thought I'd post about it here!

About me: I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember, and had a stint of OCD when I was around 9ish years old. (I don't remember it much.) Last year, I started to have panic attacks and my anxiety got very bad; I had to drop out of uni, cancel a holiday and broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years. I was put on an antidepressant and I also visited a psychiatrist (who didn't help.)

Why I started the course: My psychiatrist prescribed me medication and that was it. She had no interest in finding out what caused me anxiety and how to deal with the root cause. I was SO frustrated. Although the medication was helping a lot), I felt like it was a bandaid solution. I also hated the side effects. I wanted to treat the cause. Why was I so anxious?

The program:  I didn't even have to get out of bed to do the course, I could do it from home haha! After a few months of procrastination, I finally got around to doing the course. The course involved a weekly lesson and after each lesson you have homework to do for the week, which gradually gets harder. The lessons basically teach you to recognise your thought processes that induce anxiety and to retrain your brain to think realistically. (I don't know how else to explain it.) For example: One lesson talks about 'thought distortions.' Things that people with anxiety tend to think, which are totally unrealistic, but we convince ourselves that they are true. 'Catastrophising' was one of these distortions. I.e., you make a mistake at work. Instead of acknowledging you made a mistake and moving on, you think things such as I'm such a crap worker' and 'I'm totally going to get fired' etc etc. I'd never realised I do this, and during the course I learnt how to recognise this train of thought, stop it, and turn my thoughts into something more realistic. Anyway this is one of MANY MANY lessons I learnt during my course!

Me after the course: I tapered off the medication and have not had a panic attack in months. I've even put myself in situations which would have induced panic attacks (plane rides, small spaces), but have managed to calm myself down during techniques I learnt in the course. I'm still on a journey to get better, I'm not quite there yet, but this course has helped SO MUCH. I hope it may help some of you too 🙂

1 Reply 1

Community Member
Good on you! Thanks for sharing. I would love to do this.....can you tell me which one you did?